Chapter 4

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I ran out of my room and quickly go outside to find the officer in his car, I run to the car and start to knock on the car window

"Help, help help!" I said and the officer quickly comes out the car

"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Is someone inside?" He asks and puts his hand on his weapon

"N-no, an email, I just read an email, that was sent to me yesterday"

"Okay, okay what did it say? Can I see it?"


We go inside and walk to my room and show him the email

"Okay, we should call your mom and dad"

I nod and walk downstairs to grab my phone

"W-where is it?"

"Where is what?"

"My cell phone"

"You probably dropped it somewhere, just use the house phone"

I grab the phone and dial her number



"Is everything alright?"

"Yes I'm fine but what about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"The person who's been stalking me might be after you-"

"It's okay, I'm fine , I'm at work right now. I'll call you when I get off work"

"O-okay" I hung up and dial my dad number "He isn't answering"

"He's probably busy, you should call him later" I turn around and walk towards the officer who was looking outside the window

"Is that your phone?" He points outside, I look outside the window to find my phone on the side walk

"Y-yeah" we walk outside to find the screen broken

"I barely got this phone" I pick it up and sigh

"Okay, you should probably go back inside" he says and walks me to the door "if anything else happens tell me okay" I nod and walk inside

I set my phone on the counter and go lay down on the sofa and I began to feel drowsy

I woke up by knocking on the door, I get up and walk to the door

"Helloooo?" I heard someone say, I opened the door to find Aoi


"Hiya, I told you I was going to bring you the homework" she says

"Where's Luka and Elvin?"

"They got cleaning duty today, they'll be here shortly" she says

"Oh, come inside" I said and she walks inside

"So where are your parents?" She asks

"At work"

"Oh that's why that officer is here, he searched my bag before being able to knock" she pouts

"Sorry about that"

"No worries, your safe so it's fine. Oh I also brought you some food too" she says and takes it out of her bag and we walk to the kitchen

"Thank you Aoi"

"No problem, I know you can't cook so I decided to buy you something"

"I know how to cook. . ." She stares at me "a bit"

Randomly my broken phone rings

"Oh hey you got a new phone?"

"Yeah, but I dropped it the same day I got it, which was today"

I walk towards my phone and realize it was a message, I open it and it was a picture message

"What is it" Aoi asks and takes my phone away

"I-isn't that where your mom works?" She asks

The house phone began to ring and I answered it

"H-hello?" I answered

"(Y/N) I just got off work, I'm going to the store to get some groceries real fast so I can make dinner"

"O-okay mo-"

Out of nowhere I heard my mom scream and a loud bash

"MOM?. .  MOM? MOM?" I yelled and all I heard was a car alarm going off and faint static

"Hey? (Y/N) what's wrong?" Aoi asked

I turn to her with tears running down my face, I drop the phone and ran out of the house

"(Y/N)!" I heard Aoi yell

I see from afar Luka and Elvin walking together

"Oh hey (Y/N)-" Elvin says but I ignore them running pass them

I kept running to where the grocery store where me and my mom always go

"(Y/N)!" I heard the officer yell faintly

I began to hear many footsteps behind me

"(Y/N)!" I hear Luka, Elvin and Aoi yell in unison

I ignored them and kept running passing many streets as fast as I could until I was able to see the grocery store

I sprint but stop to find my mom's car flipped over right in front of the store where many people looking at the accident

I fall down to my knees and tears began to flow even harder


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