Chapter 6

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Ron's Side

Eventually the boys all left the room to find Hermione and Pansy. Ron knew that the girls would be angry at them for not going back to the common room the night before, but he didn't care - it had resulted in him getting Blaise, and that was all that mattered to him right now.

They walked down the hall hand in hand, the babies having a toddling race in front of them, until they came to a door that led to the staircases. Ron blushed and dropped Blaise's hand - there were people out there. What would they think? Did he care?

He already knew the answer to that.

Ron knew he shouldn't care about what people thought, but it still bothered him to think about all the disapproving looks he'd undoubtedly receive. But he didn't want to offend Blaise. He shot the Slytherin an apologetic look, and Blaise smiled at him. "It's okay," he reassured the redhead. "I get it, you're not ready."

Ron sighed in relief. "Thanks," he whispered with a small smile.

Harry and Draco, who had been trying their best to push open the door, looked to the older boys in annoyance, making them laugh. "It's okay, guys, were coming," the Gryffindor said as he sped up. He opened the door for the babies and was instantly met with coons and "ahh"s from every direction. He smirked to himself, knowing that this wasn't much different to the way girls usually acted around Harry and Malfoy anyway.

As Ron and Blaise started to descend the stairs, they watched while Harry and Draco both tried - and failed - to do the same. Ron decided he should pick them up and carry them, but the younger boys grinned at each other before sliding down the stairs on their bums. All four of the boys began laughing; the babies giggled on their way down, and the older boys doubled over at the top of the stairs.

When they got to the door which led to the Gryffindor common room, Blaise pushed it open and the two small boys shuffled through. They hadn't even turned a corner yet when Hermione's voice sounded.

"Ronald Weasley!"

"Oh, boy," Ron sighed - he had known this was coming. Blaise patted his back in reassurance.

"Where were you?" demanded a very angry looking Hermione as she stormed towards them with her hands on her hips.

Harry giggled up at her, and Draco gasped - she could be pretty scary when she wanted to be.

"Uhh..." Ron struggled. "We kind of, maybe, lost them and -"

"You lost the babies?" she screeched, cutting him off mid sentence.

Ron raised his hands defensively before continuing. "Well, yeah, but we found them didn't we? Anyway, we also found this room that just sort of appeared by itself - it was amazing, Mione, you should have seen it."

"Wait, a room just appeared?" Hermione questioned, seemingly forgetting all about them losing the boys.

Ron nodded. "Look, I know it sounds insane, but the door just... It just... Appeared!" he tried, knowing that he sounded ridiculous.

"Had you been down that same corridor already?" Hermione questioned, not sounding disbelieving at all.

"Yeah, I think so."

"The room of requirement," Hermione breathed, so quietly that Ron almost didn't hear her. "I thought it was a myth."

She began striding back to the common room, probably to research the room, and the boys followed. "Bace," came a noise from the floor. The older boys looked round to see Harry sitting on the floor with his arms outstretched towards Blaise.

Blaise laughed. "I guess he's tired - they've walked quite a lot today already," he noted, lifting Harry into his arms.

Draco huffed on the floor, pouting that Blaise - his Blaise - was holding Harry and not him. Ron smirked at him. "Well, isn't someone a jealous little Malfoy, huh Draco?" he joked, picking him up. Draco still pouted in his arms, but Ron figured that - since he didn't try to get down - he want to be carried.

They began walking after Hermione in comfortable silence. After a while, Ron spoke up. "Blaise?" he said hesitantly.

"Yeah?" Blaise asked, smiling at the redhead over Harry's head.

Ron wasn't quite sure how to ask. "Um... Should, I mean... Do you think we should - you know - tell Hermione and Pansy about, um, us?"

"Us? What do you mean?" Blaise teased, raising his eyebrows innocently.

"Well, are we, like... I dunno, um, together?" He whispered the last word so quietly that Blaise couldn't really make it out. But he didn't have to - he knew what the flustered boy meant.

Instead of answering him, Blaise leaned in and softly kissed Ron's cheek as Draco giggled and Harry scrunched his nose up. "We can be whatever you want to be, and tell them whatever you want to tell them."

Ron grinned. "Thanks," he said as they approached the common room. "Pollywalls," he told the Fat Lady, who quickly granted them entry. They went in and sat on the sofa, watching as Hermione flicked through books. Occasionally she would mutter things about the secrets of Hogwarts, but they weren't very interested.

"What is that smell?" Pansy screeched as she came in from the girls' dormitory. "Have you guys even changed them once?"

"What?" Blaise asked with panic in his eyes. "We have to change them?"

Pansy rolled her eyes at his childishness. "They're babies, Blaise, of course they need changed. There's some nappies in that bag over there," she said, pointing towards a baby bag by the door before hurrying back to her dorm with Hermione following closely behind.

Blaise got the nappies out of the bag, holding them in one hand and Harry in the other while he looked between them in fear. It was obvious that he had no idea how to change a baby's nappy. Ron rolled his eyes. "Here, I'll do it," he told the Slytherin.

Blaise sighed in relief and handed him the nappies. "Thanks."

Ron couldn't deny that changing his friend - who squirmed the whole time - and his enemy - who screamed for Britain - felt awkward, but it had to be done. When he had finished and placed both boys on the floor to play with their stuffed animals, Blaise asked, "How come you're so good with kids?"

Ron shrugged. "I guess it's because I have a big family. I mean, I've never changed a nappy, but I suppose it's kind of instinctual - it's not the most difficult thing to do."

After watching Harry and Draco play on the floor for a while, Ron cleared his throat. "Blaise, I want to tell the girls."

"Tell us what?" Hermione asked from the door, where she stood with Pansy.

Blaise seemed to be waiting for Ron to say something, but saw the look of panic on his face and spoke instead. "We're together," he grinned.

Both girls' jaws dropped.

Pansy squealed, clasping her hands together. "Awwhhhh!" she cooed at her friend. Suddenly her mood changed, and she gasped. "Blaise, why didn't you tell me you're gay? I thought we were friends!" she whined, sounding insulted. Blaise just laughed at her, not bothering to give an answer.

All heads turned to Hermione, who still hadn't said anything. She still had a look of shock on her face, but she looked more angry than anything else.

Before anyone had a chance to ask her what was wrong, she ran off, slamming the door on her way out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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