Chapter 5

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Blaise's side

The next morning, Blaise woke up with a kink in his neck and something heavy on his shoulder. He twisted his head slowly, only to see that the weight was Ron's head. He laughed silently and rolled his eyes at the redhead's ability to sleep so soundly.

Without moving - so as to avoid jostling Ron - Blaise glanced towards the babies' cots. Both boys were as close to each other as possible with the bars and space between the cots in the way, and their teddies were being held even closer. Harry was sprawled out, his little arms and legs splayed in every direction, while Draco was curled up in a tiny ball with his hands up at his face. Blaise smiled to himself at how innocent they looked - it was strange to compare them to Potter and Malfoy.

"What are you smiling at?" a husky voice sounded from beside him as he felt the relief of Ron's head lifting from his shoulder.

Blaise laughed and shrugged, indicating to Ron that it wasn't anything worth sharing. "You slept pretty deeply," he remarked, making the boy's freckled face turn as red as his hair.

"Yeah, uh, sorry about that," Ron muttered, staring at the ground. "Guess I'm just used to having a bed to myself."

"I get it - don't worry about it mate, it's fine," Blaise assured him with a cheeky grin that Ron never saw because he was too busy looking at the floor. Blaise smirked at the other boy's embarrassment and self-consciousness as he got up and silently inched towards the sleeping boys.

"Huh? Dake?" a groggy voice asked from Harry's cot as the curly-haired boy used the bars to pull himself up, peering over into Draco's cot.

Blaise started as a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Sorry, Harry," Ron whispered from right behind the older Slytherin. "It's just us - Draco's still asleep."

"Maybe we should bring Harry away from Draco," Blaise told Ron. "He's not exactly the quietest of kids, and we should probably let Draco get some sleep." Ron nodded in agreement and lifted Harry from his cot.

"Hey, Harry," he said awkwardly as he walked towards the play space. "How you feeling? You good?"

The young boy stared wide-eyed at his friend before giggling and speaking gibberish. "Yas, meh goot. Flab a cass om pood coh!"

Ron chuckled at Harry, causing Draco to stir. "Oh... Habbee? Habbee?!" he cried frantically as he woke.

"Dake!" Harry called from Ron's arms, turning his head to get a better look at the blonde. "Yas, Dake, okay... Okay, Dake!" he shouted in an attempt to calm him.

"Sheesh!" Ron yelled with the baby at arm's length to stop the shouts from hurting his ears. Blaise rolled his eyes at Ron and took Harry from him, quickly putting him into Draco's cot so he could go and make up bottles.

"Come on," he said to Ron. "They'll probably get hungry pretty quickly once they get over the fact that they haven't been separated." The two made their way through the door that led to a small kitchen - they weren't entirely sure whether or not it had been there when they arrived, but it was there now that they needed it.

Ron lifted a bottle and cleared his throat awkwardly as he started filling it with formula milk. "It's weird, isn't it? Seeing them so young," he remarked.

"To be honest, I think the weirdest part is how close they are. I mean, you saw Draco waking up - he was panicking because Harry wasn't there. You'd swear they were... I dunno, twins or something like that," Blaise replied, screwing the top on the bottle he'd made up. "I suppose we're closer than we were a couple of days ago, though - we were always fighting. Now suddenly I'm waking up with your head on my shoulder," he slipped in, just to see Ron's face go that predictable shade of red that it always went when he got embarrassed.

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