Chapter 3

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"Ron, have you got Harry's milk there?" Hermione asked at eight o'clock on their first morning with little Harry. The pair of Gryffindors had slept on chairs in the common room, with Harry in a basket that Hermione had lined with a sheet and a fluffy pillow - which she didn't really want back seeing as the corner had remained in Harry's mouth throughout most of the night.

"Coming, I'm coming," Ron yawned, rubbing his face tiredly.

"Oh! Oooooh..." Harry gibbered from Hermione's arms as he spotted the bottle in Ron's hand. "Dat, dat, dat, dat!"

Hermiome giggled at the wriggling baby. "Yes, Harry, it's coming."

"Hermione!" came a yell from the door, along with a frantic knocking. The brunette hurried to answer the common room door, realising that whoever it was really needed her help. It came as quite a surprise when the door opened to show Pansy with a red faced, puffy eyed Draco in her arms. "I don't know what to do!" the Slytherin cried desperately.

"Calm down, Pansy - he looks terrified! You're probably scaring him. Look, come here," she said softly, scooping baby Draco into her right arm and balancing Harry in her left. The blonde looked down at his tiny fingers as he fidgeted nervously, and Harry observed him quietly.

Pansy threw herself down into one of the armchairs. "I don't know what to do with him. I'm usually okay with babies, but he's so different to other kids!"

"What to do you mean?" Hermione asked. Surely babies were all pretty much the same - they ate, slept, cried and pooped, and that was about it.

"He never eats anything, I can't get him to sleep, and he hasn't cried once except in Snape's class yesterday. He never even screams or anything!" Pansy explained.

Hermione looked down at the two boys in her arms. Draco was looking out of the window with what appeared to be an attempt at a look of disgust on his face, but it wasn't a very good one. He didn't seem to be looking at anything specific outside, it was just somewhere to look to avoid looking at the people around him.

"Do you want this bottle for him or not?" Ron grumped from the other end of the room.

"I don't think he wants it anymore," Hermione replied, looking at Harry. He was currently making no effort to hide the fact that he was watching Draco intently, with his little eyebrows furrowed.

"Dake!" Harry exclaimed suddenly, which caused Draco's head to snap up. The blonde looked terrified, but he quickly hid his fear by frowning at the boy who had shouted his name. "Dake," Harry repeated more softly, reaching over to Draco. Hermione put the two babies down onto the floor so that they could act more freely - while she kept a close watch on them, of course.

Hermione and Pansy watched closely, and Ron from a distance, as Harry and Draco looked at each other for a few moments. Finally, Harry broke they silence. "Dake... Okay?" he asked carefully, as he didn't want to frighten Draco again.

The Slytherin boy brought his hand up in a fist and rubbed his eye as he nodded in answer to Harry's question. However, his lip started to tremble, and Harry scooted himself closer to put his hand on Draco's knee. "Okay... Okay..." he said quietly, as though he were trying to soothe the blonde, who now had a single tear on its way down his face.

Hermione and Ron (who had now come over to stand beside his friend) stared at the boys wide-eyed. "What - how did..." Pansy stuttered, unable to find the right words. She was utterly bewildered - she could tell that Draco had been upset through the night, but he hadn't cried. He'd just gone redder and redder, and started fidgeting more. But now that he was with Harry, he was acting like a normal baby. Pansy decided that it must be because he had felt uncomfortable being around only such grown-up strangers, and that Draco could relax a bit more around Harry because they were the same age. That had to be it - it was the only logical explanation.

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