A forbidden romance and its after effects

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When we finished our mission we went out of the dungeon, night had fallen and a thick fog had covered the Forrest floor. We slowly started to make our way out so we had time to talk,

"hey August, what would have happened if the gods had

won the war for the earth world ?"


I don't know for sure but it would have been horrible after what I had seen, what I had been through, nothing is going to change my mind

"I think the world would be in chaos, I mean you've seen how they acted."

I stopped, I could not re-live those memories.

"sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Its ok "

"more importantly, I know were not supposed to ask about our jobs but.....

Why are we transporting a sleeping person, and a girl non the less!"

"I would if I could but I don't know, our client seemed pretty shady but

I doubt he's going to do what I think he's going to do."

We both look at each other and laughed

"Well I'm going to sleep wake me if any thing happens bro"


My brother goes to sleep.

I guess I have some time to my self. This gave me a chance to run down what had happened in the past 10 years. There was a war between the un-civilized gods and the demons, because the elder God's wife slept with a demon, and that's the story of our mom and dad. When I was seven and my brother was four the angels captured us and made me look as they tortured our mother. Since my brother had no traits as being a demon or a god he was sent to earth and his memory was wiped but he remembered me last year. Since I escaped I kept a close eye on him. But back to the story. The torture of my mother traumatized me and I was sent to an asylum where I had time to clear my head and had the realization that I was going to kill every single god for what they did.

While I was at the asylum, word had reached about the war, the demons won and ruled over earth they did not wish to harm any humans they, simply want to live in peace with them. Unlike the gods who wanted to use them, they corrupted humans, making them offer there souls so they would live forever. There were angels that tended torture me and a couple more poor souls that were trapped. I couldn't take the torment anymore and, one day when no one else was around, I stabbed one of them with a makeshift shiv. The smell of fresh Angel's blood made my right wing alone take form and then.......

I don't remember, my mind goes blank.

*muffled noises*

Well then I guess I have to continue the story some other time. I stopped the cart and walked towards the back of it. I pulled the cover off the girl

"oh your awake, I'm going to take off the scarf from around your mouth, so don't scream please"

She shakes her head in agreement. I untie the scarf and look at her face. Her skin was as white and as pure as a snowflake and there were no blemishes to be seen, her eyes looked like a deep sapphire blue under her glasses lens which were held together by a black frame and her hair was black with highlights that were neon neon blue, personally she had the whole package the blue eyes, the glasses, the hair, the curves, everything-

"umm.... how long are you going to stare"


"sorry I was just thinking how beautiful you look"

I give a worried smile. Crap did I relay just say that out loud. She blushes and turns her face.

Well this is awkward.

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