Chapter 7

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A few months later......

It was the end of my ninth grade school year and everyone was buzzing with excitement.  Summer vacations, no school, and sleeping in until you see fit.   I've fully recovered from the broken ribs and the gun shot a while ago.   I was saying good by when the familar car pulled up.  Groff was picking me up today since Dad had to take seb to and apointment and mom was working.  "Get in loser were going shopping!"  Of couse he said that line.

"Alright Regina." I practically lept into the car.  "Engage warp four."

John just rolled his eyes.  "You are to geeky."

"You mean I'm to awesome." The drive from the school to the theater wasn't long so, I wasn't surprised that we were there before we could finsh a song.  I grabbed my bag and headed inside the building.

My birthday was coming up and I hadn't told anyone because, I never really saw the point in celebrating it.  'Congratulations, you have escaped death for another year.'  Yeah not really worth celebrating.  When I walked into the back stage area, Daveed was doing (attempting )a hand stand.  Instead he just kept flipping over.  "HOW DO YOU DO THIS?!" Anthony was filming this and falling over from laughing.  

I just chuckled and shook my head.  "Hannah, you really think its that's easy? Why dont you try?"

I passed fluffy my bag.  "Just watch. "

Quickly tucking in my shirt, I threw my self into a handstand in the middle of the room.  Then just to be a bitch, I walked around the room on my hands.  "Daveed, you got nothing on me."  Just to prove it I raised a hand off the ground.  

"You are not human."  Daveed just stood there defeated.

I placed my other hand down and flipped back into a standing position.  Daveed handed my bag back to me and I sat down on the couches.  "How did you do that?"

"I learned over the years.  Youtube is an amazing teacher."  Daveed just shook his head.

In a few weeks the cast and their families were going on a cruise so everyone started to buy clothes.  Today is the big shopping trip. We decided to go back to the mall after everyone gathered at the theatre.  We are waiting on Lin, whom went to get Vanessa and Sebastian.  The cast decided to play Truth or Dare to past the time. I sat behind Jazzy and started to style her hair in a fish braids.  "Hannah, truth or dare?"

I stopped to think.  "Dare."

A evil smirk planted itself on Anthony's face.  "I dare you to...." He waited for special effect.  "Give this box to Lin with no explanation."

Everyone's face dropped.  I have no clue why, it was just cardboard.  I opened the box and saw a fake pregnancy test that read positive.  "ANTHONY DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE?!"  

"You chose dare.  I was going to have whoever picked dare first do it.  You fell victim"  Jesus Christ! He must be out of his God damn mind.  As if on cue Lin walked in the room with Vanessa and Sebastian.  

I felt my heart leap out of my chest.  I choose dare, so here goes nothing.  I handed lin the box and said it was a present.  He opened the box with a smile, but when he saw what was inside his face dropped and lost all color.  "Ninita, please tell me this is a joke.  If it is, it's not funny!"  

Anthony spoke up before I could say anything.  "What is it?"

Lin just handed the box to Vanessa.  "Tell me I'm seeing things!"

Vanessa looked in the box and realized it was a fake.  "Lin, you vison is correct."

She turned to look at me. "Is this really how you plan to kick off summer?  Scaring Lin to death with a FAKE pregnancy test."

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