Chapter 2

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*Climbs out from under a pile of schoolwork* Hey, everyone... I finally decided to publish another chapter... Sorry for the super long wait, hopefully, the next one will not take so long. Please enjoy, I hope it was worth the wait :D 


Rin stood at his desk shocked, had he heard Mephisto correctly? He was giving the cram school class an assignment over the weekend and the assignment was to study him!? The young exwire did not like the sound of this, he sat back down in his chair feeling increasingly more uncomfortable as all of the students and Yukio turned to look at him almost questioningly.

"What is the meaning of this Mephisto," Yukio asked the principal who was apparently enjoying the confused faces of the students.

"To put it quite simply you are all going to be learning about the changes Rin's body made when he unlocked his demon powers." Mephisto said, and then he walked out twirling his umbrella and stopped in the doorway and said "I want you results by Monday" and then disappeared in a puff of pink smoke.

The group used their magic keys to leave the cram school and enter the Okumura's old almost empty dorm. "I am going to go get some materials for the experime... I mean the assignment" Yukio said leaving the room to go to the exorcist shop. He hoped that everyone could get along for at least 20 minutes.
"This place gives me the creeps every time," Shima said shivering. Rin had a sudden wonderful idea "hey Shima," he whispered into the pink-haired exwire's ear "I bet that the bugs that live here would love to meet you."
Shima let out a scream loud enough to scare away any bugs that did want to befriend him. Bon heard Shima's scream and saw Rin standing next to his friend, "Get away from him demon!" he yelled.

"I wasn't doing anything Rooster!" Rin yelled not noticing that his tail was swinging back and forth behind him. "Who are you calling a rooster!?"Bon

"Isn't that obvious!?" Rin was so concentrated on his argument, that he hit a lamp of his still cluttered desk onto the floor with his tail.

"At least I don't have a tail that knocks over everything in a ten-foot radius of me when I get angry!" Bon yelled making a very good point as most of Rin's week worth of homework was now on the floor.

Rin turned around and tried to grab his tail to stop it from its reign of destruction only to trip over a sleepy Kuro and fall next to Shiemi who was giggling at Rin's clumsy performance.

Rin are you ok, why did you bring these noisy people in here? Rin heard Kuro's voice in his head like he always did. "Yeah, Kuro I'm fine. Oh, I forgot to tell you, but I made you dinner it should be in the kitchen" I already ate it, it was yummy. Thank you.

Yukio walked into the room. "Ok I'm back and I have everything we need," Yukio said. To tell the truth, he had wanted test out his brother's demonic abilities before, but he couldn't figure how to ask Nii-san without it being awkward.

Rin looked around the room, Konekomaru was watching him carefully, Shiemi was petting Kuro, and everyone else was looking through the bag of things that Yukio had bought from the store.

Bon was the first to say anything about beginning the experiment "I think we should start by gluing that tail of his to the ground so that he doesn't hit any of us with it when we spray him with holy water."

"Holly water?" Rin said shaking a little bit "yeah I'm not a huge fan of that idea."

Izumo spoke up "I think we should start with his ability to speak demonic languages." Rin looked at her and was about to ask what she meant when Bon said: "yeah a minute ago when he tripped over Kuro I thought I heard him speak a strange language, but I wasn't sure."

Rin walked over to Konekomaru and sat down on the floor next to him "What about you Konekomaru you didn't hear me say anything strange did you?" the oldest Okumura said with a slightly worried look on his face.

"Well actually..." the bald exwire said as he was slowly moving back to his comfortable distance of seven feet from Rin.

"Nii-san, were you not aware that you spoke a different language when you speak to demons?" Yukio said looking up from cleaning the large mess that his brother's tail had made of the piles of paper and textbooks.

"What! You mean I have done this before!?" Rin's yelling startled Shiemi who was still petting Kuro and not paying any attention to the conversation in front of her.

The younger brother went back to his work and wrote something in an empty notebook he had found in the mess. "Yes, you do it all the time I thought that you knew that you were doing it so I never mentioned it." He said with a much calmer tone than his brother's

"So are we going to actually get started or are we just going to keep talking about Rin's stupidity all night?"

"Well its kinda late now so how about we start tomorrow?" Rin paused then a huge smile spread across his face "I can make you all dinner if you want, I just went shopping and I have enough ingredients to make a huge meal!"He said his tail wagging behind him obviously displaying his excitement.

"As if I would let you cook me anything," Bon said standing up and leaving quickly.
"What about the rest of you?" Rin said trying to hide his disappointment

"I w-would hate to have you waste your ingredients on me," Konekomaru said as he walked out of the room. Shima didn't say anything but just followed Konekomaru out the door.

Rin now looked at Shiemi hopefully "I'm sorry Rin my mother wants me to help in the shop early in the morning so I have to get home" she said truthfully.

"I can walk you home, my key to your house isn't working properly so I hope you don't mind walking," Yukio said as they walked out the door as the others had.

Rin wished that his friends would stop talking about him behind his back. He heard Bon say to Konekumuro and Shima "he thinks we can all just trust him all of a sudden just because we have to work together. Those blue flames he inherited from Satan can kill people!"

Rin laid on his bed silently cursing his demonic hearing then rolled onto his stomach after he accidentally sat on his tail.

Outside of the Okumura's dorm, Mephisto sat on a magically floating couch that was equally as bizarre as his clothing. "It seems that this assignment might be a little harder than Rin thought." He chuckled "I wonder if his friends will learn to accept him or if he will continue to be an outcast in human society?"


Yay, That went pretty well I think. As you can probably tell I am not the most experienced writer. I do hope that it is worth your time to come and read my story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2017 ⏰

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