Chapter 1

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This Is my first time writing fanfiction so it may not be great, but I hope you stick around until the end.This fanfiction takes place after Rin's battle with Amaimon, but before Yukio became a demon.

Rin Okumura sat at his desk trying to concentrate on the piles of homework Yukio had given him earlier that week. He had put it all off until Friday, which Rin was now deeply regretting.

"Dam that four eyes, he never lets me do anything fun!" Rin said to him right before the youngest of the Okumura twins came in through the door of the old dorm room. "Come on Nii-san you're going to be late for your classes again at this rate." Then after seeing the unfinished homework overflowing on his older brother's desk said "what have you been doing all this time? You haven't done any of your homework at all!"

"Well..." Rin said while looking at his familiar Kuro chase a fly around the room for inspiration. He didn't want to tell Yukio what he was really doing, Rin was pretty sure that he would disapprove of trying to cook vegetables with the flame that came from his tail. He couldn't help if he couldn't afford the expensive food at the school or that the power randomly shut off the most inconvenient times. "I was cooking..." he said not completely lying.

"For nine hours!?" yelled Yukio. Rin jumped at the sudden increase in his normally calm brother's voice, he looked down at his tail that had distracted him from his 'important' work, he was surprised to see that had fluffed up to about twice the size kind of like a cat's does when it is startled.

"Ok whatever, you can do it when you get back, but we really do need to hurry," Yukio said calming down a little. Rin responded with a long sigh, school had been like hell for the few weeks after his fight with Amaimon. None of his friends wanted to be anywhere near him after finding out that he was the son of Satan.

The twins grabbed their magical keys that they used to get to the cram school. Almost as soon as they went through the door they saw the group consisting of Shima, Izumo, Shiemi, Konekomaru, and Suguru "Good evening Okumura-sensei" they said to Yukio when they saw him.

Rin looked down the long hallway and saw twenty or thirty other cram school students standing outside of their assigned classrooms "whats happening?" he asked. Konekumaru looked at Rin like he was a six-foot tall spider that was about to eat him. Feeling hurt he turned to the others and asked the question again. "What the hell is happening!?"

"No one knows, all the doors are locked and no one can get in," Suguru said in an annoyed voice only to be knocked on his face by a familiar puff of pink smoke.

"My my, it seems that I have been careless and forgot to unlock the doors this morning" The students herd their principle Mephisto Pheles say as he stepped off of a rather angry Suguru. "Eins, Zwei, Drei," he said while waving his umbrella towards the locked doors which then magically flew open.

Rin walked into the old classroom that he and his friends used and sat down in the back, not wanting to have too much attention drawn to him today. After all of the students and a highly confused Yukio were seated. Mephisto made his announcement. "Ok class, and Mr. Okumura. I am going to give you all a group assignment that will be due on Monday, which includes you, Mr. Okumura.

"What the hell Mephisto!" yelled Rin completely failing at not being noticed "you are giving us an assignment over the weekend!?"

"If you prefer you can think of it as bonding time," Mephisto said amused. "What the hell is that supposed to mean ya' bastard?!" Rin yelled, his tail twitching from side to side.

"What I mean Rin Okumura... is that this class is going to be studying half demons, in other words... you."

Well, I hope that you liked the first chapter. Once again this is my first fanfiction so the chapters are going to be short, but hopefully, the story is good. If you want to comment that would make me happy, but you don't have to.

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