Chapter Thirty-Nine

Começar do início

"Can't seem to stay out of the forest and by the looks of it, I think it's safe to say it's the same for you, isn't it?" Newt smiled at the lad. "Hunting tulips again or are you on another mission?"

The twinkle in the man's green eyes as he grew closer to Milo, the light of the boy's wand bringing his appearance to become clearer. Feeling a jolt of jitters, Milo swallowed, hoping that Newt wasn't going to catch on to what his true intentions were every time he ventured into the forest. 

" caught me," Milo attempted to go along with it casually, although, with his shaky voice, it wasn't convincing at all. "I simply can't get enough of those tulips. Wait a second, why are you here? Is there some sort of business that you are attending to or do you just make random visits to the forest?"

The twins had taught Milo well, when the pressure was on, immediately try to redirect the conversation and place the attention on something or someone else. He had seen it numerous times in action, normally when the twins were caught by some professor in the school, and it was time for Milo to test it out and hope that it worked.

"Actually, you're right, I was called to Hogwarts on business," Newt informed him, "it was last minute really. I'm afraid there was an incident involving a hippogriff, but I'm sure you've heard all about that. Nothing ever truly remains a secret in Hogwarts, does it?"

Milo nodded his head. "Buckbeak," he said, "you're here because of Buckbeak. What are they going to do with him? Do you think they'll try and put him down? You can't let them do that!"

"I have no intentions of letting it happen, Milo," Newt replied as he sat down to rest on the log, "unfortunately, the only thing I can do though, is give my opinion as an expert on hippogriff behaviour. I'm sure that Buckbeak did not attack unprovoked, it's highly unlikely that a hippogriff would do such a thing. Were you there as a witness?"

"No, Sir," Milo replied, he walked over to sit beside the man. "But my brother was, he could tell you all about it. He said that Draco Malfoy disrespected Buckbeak, insulted him and that's why he attacked, although I would hardly call it that."

"I figured it was something along those lines," Newt sighed, "it was the only fear that I had when Hagrid claimed he wanted to use hippogriffs in a lesson. I assumed the age group would be appropriate and they would be able to grasp the concept of offering respect, it appears as though I was wrong."

The last thing Milo wanted was for people like Newt and Hagrid blaming themselves over a matter that was nowhere near their fault. It was Draco's fault for being a git and not listening to what he was told. The boy thought he was above everything and everyone and while Milo wouldn't say that it was an act of karma, he hoped that it would be a lesson to Draco to develop a sense of respect not only towards people but towards creatures as well.

"They cannot punish Buckbeak, it's not fair. Our school motto is Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus. Never tickle a sleeping dragon. Common sense would say if we shouldn't tickle a dragon then we shouldn't disrespect a hippogriff either."

"The only problem with that, Milo, is common sense is not so common anymore."


Newt agreed to bring the boy back to the tulips, questioning if Milo had plans to give the flowers to someone special for the upcoming holiday. Milo had never been more thankful for the darkness as he concealed the blush on his face. He claimed that he wasn't sure, he just enjoyed the flowers so much and it was a shame that they didn't have them in the greenhouses. 

PRONGSLET AND THE CERYNEIAN GUARDIANOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora