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bailey: he makes me happy:) i guess chris does too

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bailey: he makes me happy:) i guess chris does too.
935,244 likes || 10,093 comments
tagged || christophrwood

user1: aw drift!
user2: bhris is back together
user3: they've never dated^
claireholt: aww
user4: claire approves
user5: parents 😍
user6: so is she pregnant orrr...?
paulvedere: can i come over. phoebe is filming all night and im lonely
christophrwood: paulvedere PLEASE
bailey: paulvedere please come over
user7: she's gonna try and fuck both of them
user8: watch out phoebe she's out fo yo man
user9: paul and bailey have been best friends for years stop shipping them and calling her a slut. damn.

christophrwood: join our live stream tonight at 10pm! we'll be answering your questions and sharing some newwwwws958,387,267 likes || 39,820 commentstagged || bailey

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christophrwood: join our live stream tonight at 10pm! we'll be answering your questions and sharing some newwwwws
958,387,267 likes || 39,820 comments
tagged || bailey

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