Chapter Twelve - Katie? Takashi?

Start from the beginning

"Your my baby's boyfriend?"

Shiro chuckles softly, nodding, "My name's Shiro."

Colleen immediately relaxes, knowing that her daughter wasn't standing by some stranger or some molester. The woman softly smiles, "I know. Katie talks about you all the time."

Pidge starts to blush in embarrassment but Shiro was in confusion. Shiro didn't mind that Pidge was taking about him to her family but the way Pidge's mother said her name was completely different. And from all the embarrassment, Pidge forgot that her mother calls her by her birth name and she hasn't told Shiro about her real name. "Katie?" Shiro questioned.

Colleen nods, "Yes. Her name is Katie. How you forgotten?"

Shiro shakes his head and sharply turns to look at a Pidge. Pidge looks up, seeing the mistake of not telling him earlier has caused. "This true?" Shiro asked again but for Pidge to answer.

"Well, maybe..."

"Maybe? Then why you go by Pidge?"

"You haven't told him?" Colleen spoke in a weak voice, shocked herself. For dating a month, the woman thought her daughter would already told her boyfriend that Pidge wasn't her birth name but just a coverup. A coverup to hide away from society and the traumatizing incident of her family disappearing into space. The woman was shocked, a bit disappointed with Pidge's decision not to tell Shiro after dating him for a bit.

"Katie, I'm disappointed in you," Colleen added.


"Pidge, why didn't you tell me?" Shiro interrupted and pressed, feeling hurt from the lack of trust that his own girlfriend had for him. Pidge looked up at Shiro with an expression that no one could enjoy - a feared, worried, and misunderstanding emotion.

"I-I... I wanted to wait alittle longer so I could fully trust you to handle my coverup. I hide my birth name for multiple reasons and if you found out, I was afraid that you would tell the world," Pidge explained.

"Tell the world? Why can't I?!" Shiro questioned once more but in a louder tone, glaring at Pidge. The air was tensed. Colleen slowly left, shaking her head in disappointment as she left the couple to work things out. Pidge first hesitated, trying to think up something to say. Something to say that wasn't the wrong thing to say at this tensed situation.

"Because, I don't want to be found. I don't want my mother and I to be found," Pidge pledged, voice soft. Shiro grunts but goes silent, in deep thought. For the next couple of minutes, the two just stared at each other, Pidge coughing once or twice from her sickness. A small sniffle, now getting a runny nose. Then Shiro spoke, "Y'all prisoners?"

Pidge just tenses, then speaks in a sassy tone, "Really? No. I'm not in no "most wanted" list. It's just... an incident happened to half of my family and if the world knew where I was, I will be attacked by the news and scientists."

"That's all?"


"That's all your going to tell me?"

Pidge sighs and nods. "For the moment, yes. But I can tell you later. Not when I'm sick and not when you just got the news that my real name isn't Pidge," Pidge answers.

Shiro nods, "Okay. But you got to tell me: what's your full name?"

"Like full full?"

Shiro nods, now relaxed, the environment around them now at ease. Pidge shrugs, "Okay, fine. It's Katie Rose Holt."

"Hmmmm, cute," Shiro started to smile. The beginning argument what seemed like it was about to turn into a fight ended quickly, the two now forgiving each other. Now was left was a sweet conversation between the couple. If you wondered where Colleen went, she's gone back into her bedroom, slithering into the darkness. The woman was still in grief but is now under control by medication.

"Shut up," Pidge smirked, crossing her arms. The girl sniffled, needing a tissue very soon.

"However, since I've learned your name was a coverup. I'm about the same... well, not to coverup but was used as a nickname."

"Shiro? Your name isn't Shiro? The fuck?" Pidge tensed, a bit shocked. The teenager sniffled again before continuing, "So, what's your real name then?"

Shiro chuckles, "Takashi Shirogane."

"The fuck?"

Shiro chuckles more, shrugging, "I knew I would get a reaction like that."

         "Your lying?"

         Shiro shakes his head, telling the truth. For all the time, the couple were calling each other nicknames. The fun part was that they both didn't know until now, their chests now feeling lighter than before. Shiro never knew he needed to confirm his real name to his new girlfriend one day. The man never told his old girlfriend, Allura, that his name was Takashi Shirogane. It just seemed fairly shorted enough just to call the man Shiro.

"Your from Japan, aren't you? That's a Japanese name. Or your family from Japan?"

"Family. I only went to Japan twice for a business trip. I got a aunt and uncle there too," Shiro answered.

"Damn," Pidge smiled, speechless. The girl was shocked but however more relaxed. Not only she was using a nickname but her boyfriend was too. By other words, either Shiro's parents, grandparents, or some other family members of his came here to America to start a new life from Japan. Pidge herself was Italian, but right now at this moment, her side of the story wasn't needed.

       "Then why Shiro?" Pidge asks.

"Like I said, it's just a nickname. It started when kids from school couldn't pronounce my name right so I said my name was Shiro instead. And it seemed to stick I guess. Even my older brother calls me that at times, but rarely. If your wondering, he looks more Japanese than me."

Pidge snorts softly with a soft laughter after. The teenager wasn't laughing at Shiro's nationality but at how Shiro putted out there that his older brother looked more Japanese than him. And even if Shiro never told Pidge that his nationality was Japanese, the girl would have probably figured it out on her own hand - seeing that Shiro got natural and beautiful squinted eyes, a big hint/indication that he was either from Korea, China, Vietnam, or Japan.

        "Boy, the fuck? You just blew my mind," Pidge said, still laughing softly.

"Well, my eyes kinda show it," Shiro teased.

Pidge chuckled in response, "That is true. Your nationality shows."

      Shiro exhaled, smiling still as he changed the subject, "So, you still want to go to the living room?"

      "Of course!"

Idk what pidges middle name is so I made it up... don't be mad at me. Also, idk if Shiro has a brother.... don't be mad at me again.... lol


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