Pre-written Scenes

Start from the beginning

Kiba managed to widen his grin so that it was more mischievous than the fond smile he was giving her. "Me too, Noriyuki!" He threw his arm around her shoulder as part of his mischievous act and she laughed, unaware that he really meant what he said. "I wished that too."

But she was gone, the warmth of her body missing as she caught sight of a blond through the crowd and automatically moved towards it.

4. Nori and Sasuke are Reunited
(I had imagined that Nori went on an undercover mission, disguised as a noble lady and happens to meet Sasuke when he has business with a feudal lord at a party.)

For a moment, she felt like somebody had punched her in the gut, the breath disappearing from her lungs and the sharp drop of her insides filled her with the thick dark feeling of dread. On the contrary, he seemed completely at ease as he stared at her.

"It's been a long time." His voice was so much more deep and leering, creeping over her body and making her shiver. He tilted his head, eyes cold.

Nori let out a sharp breath and took a step back without much thought. Her fingers itching to wrap around the kunai she had hidden in the obi wrapped around her waist, but she couldn't. Inside she managed to curve her lips upwards with a gentle smile, raising her fingers to her lips and just barely managing to keep her hands from shaking.

She tilted her head and the fancy ornaments in her hair dangled. "Have we met before?"

Sasuke paused, his eyes suddenly taking in her fancy clothes and the way her hair was tied up so intricately, very unlike her. Then he met her eyes, wide and alight with curiousity as she stared at him. She was good, and if she hadn't taken that small step backwards in fear of him, she might have been able to fool him because this woman standing in front of him was very different from the humble girl Nori had been.

But she'd given herself away already. He smirked, amused. "No, I must have mistaken you." He told her and began walking once again, his two companions following him quickly as he disappeared around the corner.

5. Two Uzumaki's

Nori had never met another Uzumaki woman other than her mother, and so staring at the girl in front of her suddenly filled her with nostalgia as she thought back to when her mom was alive.

Karen scoffed and took a step forward. "I can take care of her, Sasuke-kun!" She declared arrogantly before reaching for something at her side and whipped forward, a glint of metal flashing with the sun.

Nori frowned, tilting her head an inch to the side as the kunai zoomed past the shell of her ear. This girl was slow. She briefly cast Sasuke a look of confusion, as she knew that he wasn't usually one to keep weak people at his side, which meant this girl was probably a sensor or a medic.

That meant there was no reason to hurt her. Nori blinked slowly and flicked her wrist forward, empty handed. Immediately jagged and frosty ice traveled from the ground at Karen's feet all the way up to her chest before the girl could react.

"What the hell!" Karen screeched and attempted to squirm around.

Nori slowly observed the girl before her. It was a shame that the only other Uzumaki woman she met wasn't a fighter, it would have been interesting. The ice slowly traveled up Karen's chest, creeping up the girls neck towards her chin.

"Sasuke-kun!" She yelled in a panic, fearing the ice would cover her head. Nori lowered her hand and the ice stopped.

Sasuke smirked as he watched the red head. "You've learned to control your powers." He observed.

Nori met his eyes firmly. "Something like that."

6. Naruto Explains

"There's one thing I don't understand though." Nori told the blond boy as she moved more comfortably in her seat. "Why were you so rude to me when we were placed on the same team?" She asked him curiously. It was something she always wanted to know, why he used to ignore her.

Naruto's stance shifted, like he was uncomfortable before he let out a slow breath. "I think... I was afraid of hurting you. At that time I just learned about who I really was and why everyone was afirad of me, and I thought there was something wrong with me." He turned to stare at her and Nori saw his rare serious side. "To me, you were this delicate girl and even though you never talked everyone liked you. Before we were placed on the team, you got along with the girls and all of the guys in the class has crushed on you at some point. The teachers adored you and adults were always welcoming to you in the streets."

Nori felt her eyes well up with tears, suddenly feeling ashamed as she remembered a young Naruto, unwelcomed even when he was just walking through the street.

Naruto frowned and wrung his hands together nervously. He never was one for serious talk, so this must have been hard for him, but he continued on despite that. "It was like someone stepping on a beautiful flower, that's how I thought it would be if I befriended you. And so when we were placed on the same team I was mean to you, and I kept you at a distance. I never looked at you too long because I was scared I wouldn't be able to look away." Her breath caught in her throat and Naruto gave her a small smile. "I think I must have liked you since we were younger. It was only just a little while after you moved to Konoha, when Kiba was stalking you again, I finally looked at you for real and I think you've had me hooked ever since then. I just suppressed it."

Nori thought about the day when she was collecting flowers for flower arrangement class and Naruto had come flying from the bushes like an idiot, loud and intrusive yet so bright and outspoken, everything she wanted to be. She remembered how after that day her eyes automatically followed him when he arrived to class.

It was funny how things turned out.

(Okay so, I played y'all. . The EXTRA's weren't just comedy that wrote on a whim and decided to share with you, I had intended for them to be the start of their love story.)

So those are all of the scenes that I had written earlier on. For me it helps to write some scenes out and then write everything in between with the intention of getting the story to the pre written scene, so their kind of like inspiration. I'm really sorry guys, I fought with myself a lot on whether to discontinue this fanfiction but I think rather than leaving you guys hanging this is the best options.

Thank you to everyone who commented and reviewed, I really appreciate it.

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