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In the Zodiac Warriors main base, narrator POV

Gemini shakes her heads. Poor hero. "All that loyalty and love wasted on a girl that never truly loved him."

"I know Gemini. I know." Taurus says, rubbing the twin sisters backs in a comforting manner.

"Scorpio, is there any way we can warn him at all?" Taurus asks

"Without breaking the ancient laws, no. With breaking laws, yes." Scorpio replies

"Sagittarius, can you send a few of your assassins to CHB under the guise of unclaimed demigods?"

"Yeah, but they're not going to like it, especially after what they did to some of the demigods." Sagittarius replies

Cancer perks up. "Pisces and I can get them claimed as either children of Poseidon, Hades or Apollo."

"Fine. They get claimed as children of Apollo. It would be way too strange to have three or four new big three demis of the same age on the same day. I'll go get the four I've picked." She says, turning on her heel and walking away, presumably to get the ones she had selected.

Seven minutes later

"You want us to do WHAT?" The youngest assassin of Sagittarius yells.

"I need you to act as if you have no idea of what Greek mythology is and I'll have Apollo claim you as his children. Yes, we're breaking the ancient laws by doing this. Please please please put your animosity aside for the moment because the best and purest hero is going to get hurt extremely bad by the spawn of Athena." Scorpio replied, not at all surprised or riled up by their anger.

"Fine. We'll do it. I expect a reward though." The oldest of the four replied.

"Thank you. I will be around, just incognito if you need help." Scorpio replied, then went on, "Assassins, dismissed. Zodiac, a few other things to discuss."

"What about?" Virgo asked

"The Huntress, Otherwise known as Zoë Nightshade. Do we want to bring her back to life, and give her the full abilities of the 13th Zodiac or not? We could also bring her back but give her a wolf side. So what are we going to do about her?" Capricorn says.

Everyone then starts to talk at once.

"Shut it!" It goes silent. Leo never loses her temper. That's Aries that does that.

"Now, who thinks we should bring her back?"

Everyone's hand goes up.

"Make her the first 13th Zodiac warrior?"

No one.

"Gift her a wolf side."

Everyone's hand is up again.

"Well then. Libra, please go get her, and Aquarius, please dress presentable." Aries says.

Everyone leaves, getting changed and ready for what's coming next.


Heya! Yep, a Percy Jackson betrayed story again. Only this time there's already a twist. Chaos may be in it, might not. Not sure yet. Obviously, the Zodiac Signs are in it. The groups are:

Assassins: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra

Hunters: Leo, Pisces, Capricorn

Huntresses: Virgo, Gemini, Cancer

Warriors: Aries, Aquarius, Taurus

The way they are addressed as a group is: The Warriors of Aries, The Warriors of Aquarius, The Warriors of Taurus, The Huntresses of Virgo, The Huntresses of Gemini, The Huntresses of Cancer, The Hunters of Leo, The Hunters of Pisces, The Hunters of  Capricorn, The Assassins of Sagittarius, The Assassins of Scorpio, The Assassins of Libra

Have fun and Be safe!

MB0061 out.

PS Leo is not the Flaming McShizzle or the Flaming Valdez or any of that. It is the constellation Leo and Zodiac Leo. 

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