Chapter 32. Vexed.

Start from the beginning

I shook my head smiling and rolling my eyes.

"Bye Annabelle." He says turning to leave.

"Bye Lucky."

He opened the door and left.

I stare at the door closed sighing, what now?

I am so tired i barely can keep my eyes open.

I don't know what to do or where to go, that's pathetic.

I look around me, it's nice in here even though the house looks awful and scary from outside, the walls are painted in a dark yellow-ish color and the floor are made of wood, even the couch is cozy and i can sleep on it for the night if he doesn't want me t-

"Annabelle." Someone calls from upstairs and by someone i mean Zayn.

I freeze, what should i say? Do i go to him? Do i-

"Annabelle!" His voice got louder and i jolt in my place quickly standing up and walking to the stairs.

"Y-es master, i am coming!" I say back, he sounds so demanding and i find myself smiling dumbly.

Bring my lucky back. My subconscious sniffs cuddling a pillow.

Oh shut up.

Climbing up the stairs i found three doors, two closed and one opened, i don't know where is he.

"Master?" I ask softly, slowly approaching the opened door.

"In the bathroom." He says, his voice coming from the third door on my left.

I walk to it and stand waiting for whatever he wants to say but i can hear nothing but the running water and a soft hum.

I stare at the closed door with my eyes wide realizing something, does he wants me to get in the bathroom while he is showering?

"Annabelle, get in here." He demands and i gasp.

Finally i am going to see his naked ass, where's the popcorn? My subconscious cheered forget in a about lucky.

"Uh- before i get in, are you finished?" I ask dumbly, of course he is not you can hear the water running stupid.

"No, is that a problem?" He says through the door and my jaw dropped.

He is kidding right?

"Is that a problem?!" He repeats raising his voice alittle.

"N-no." I stutter, i am so tired and i need to sleep, i can't even think straight!

"Get in here then!"

I blink trying to understand what is happening, i am even tired of arguing with him.

I close my eyes and raise my left hand, putting it on my eyes, just to make sure i don't see anything, i touch the door and search for the door knob and twist it.

I am going to faint.

Pushing it open i feel a ghost of warm air hit my face and my body, i walk slowly trying to be careful not to stumble upon something.

"Okay, what do you need?" I ask trying to keep my breath and my whole body steady, i hear the water being shut off and i sigh in relief.

"Why do you have your eyes closed?" He asks in his deep yet warming voice.

I am going to marry his voice someday. I thought.

I want my lucky back. My subconscious cry remembering him all of sudden and i roll my eyes in my mind, i am going crazy.

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