Chapter Nine

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Gabby jumped into the water. Not to save me but to get away from the silent killer who terrorizes anyone who goes to Camp Crystal Lake. Well Camp Blood at this point. Gabby swam towards my body not doing anything to save me. Jason jumped in after her starting to go after her and stopped once he caught sight of my body sinking into the cold abyss of the lake. He looked at Gabby swimming and back at me and decided to go after her. He swam after her and grabbed ahold of her leg pulling her under the water. She struggled against his grip. He held her under until she stopped moving and squirming around. He held her under the water until she wasn't breathing anymore. He moved away from the body and swam over to mine.

Amelia slowly went under the surface of the water, water began leaking into her nostrils. It burned as the water slowly emerged into her lungs. She was drowning, she stopped struggling and closed her eyes, allowing the darkness consume her. She was nearly dead by the time Jason got to her, her petite body was submerging into the water. Her body stopped moving, as the water kept going into her nostrils down into her lungs. She couldn't move her limbs became numb, Jason grabbed ahold of her body and held her close as he went to the docks.

(Author's note: Sorry for the very short chapter.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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