Only Us (Kleinphy)

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Warning: Contains mentions of a suicide attempt and self harm. Also, it's gay as hell.

AU where Connor's suicide attempt failed. Evan still lied about being friends, but after a few visits in the hospital, they became friends.

Kleinphy is my second favorite DEH ship, and after relistening to the cast recording, I was inspired to do this. Enjoy!

The words of a a confession of love and the smoke of a half smoked cigarette hung in the air. The cigarette in question belonged to Connor Murphy, who's cheeks were tinted with rosey blush. His current companion, Jared Kleinman, was in worse shape, his face a deep scarlet.

  It had started a few months ago, after Connor tried to kill himself. While stuck in the hospital, Evan Hansen of all people decided to visit him. He learned the anxious boy had faked a friendship between them. While at first he was angry, he slowly warmed up to him, and Evan became the first person he could call a friend.

  After he got out, he introduced him to Jared. Those two were always at each others throats, until he saw Jared break down and learned of the smaller boy's insecurities and anxieties. They bonded.

But then something changed, and in the past few weeks, Connor has had a weird, fluttery feeling for the boy, that only got stronger. At first he wrote it off as another unrequited love, but now, after the small boy confessed that he felt the same, he had more hope...

He sighed and put out the cigarette. He looked forward in silence, before finally speaking. "I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you." Jared's head quickly turned to him, eyes wide. Connor smirked slightly and continued. "I don't need you to search for the proof that I should. You don't have to convince me, you don't have to be scared you're not enough." A small chuckle escaped his lips. "Because what we've got going is good."

He took off his signature grey hoodie, glaring at the numerous scars on his exposed wrists. "I don't need more reminders off all that's been broken..." His voice trailed off as memories of his suicide attempt flooded back. Jared put a hand on his shoulder, bringing him back to reality. He sighed. "I don't need you to fix what I'd rather forget. Clear the slate and start over, try to quiet the noises in your head." He finally turned to the small boy, the ghost of a smile on his face. "We can't compete with all that."

  He took one of the other boys hands in his own. "So what if it's us, what if it's us and only us? And what came before won't count anymore, or matter, can we try that? What if it's you, what if it's me, an that's all that we need it to be, and the rest of the world falls away?" He chuckled again, a small but sincere smile dancing on his lips. "What do you say?"

Jared paused, before a nervous but excited grin fell on his face. "I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me." Connor smirked, resting his head on his other hand. "Oh?" Jared continued, looking down. "So I gave you ten thousand reasons to not let me go. But if you really see me, if you like me for me and nothing else..." He took Connor's other hand, his grin growing. "That's all that I've wanted for longer than you can possibly know!" He chuckled. "So it can be us, it can be us and only us! And what came before won't count anymore or matter, we can try that!"

Connor grinned, at the same time, they said what was on both their minds. "It's not so impossible!" Jared dragged Connor up and to the middle of the floor. "Nobody here but the two of us here! Cause you're saying it's possible-" Connor cut him off, grinning. "We can just watch the whole world disappear." Jared joined him again. " 'Till you're the only one I still know how to see..." Connor pressed their foreheads together, making Jared blush a little. "It's just you and me."

Connor chuckled. "It'll be us, it'll be us and only us. And what came before won't count anymore!" The pair moved closer. "We can try that! You and me, that's all that we need it to be! And the rest of the world falls away... And the rest off the world falls away. The world falls away... The world falls away." Connor softly kissed him, before pulling away.

"And it's only us..."

This was probably very OOC.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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