Chapter Eleven - Carnival Kiss

Start from the beginning

'Dang, that's cute,' Shiro thought, slowly getting out of his vehicle and watching Pidge freeze in curiosity. The man chuckles, walking up to the teenager and gently laying his warm hand on her shoulder. "Ready to go?"


     "...Shiro? I don't think I wanna go on that," Pidge objected.

       "Oh come on! It will be fun! Trust me. We got to go at least one of my favorite rides."

       "But it's a rollercoaster.... A scary one by fact."

        "But your judging before you even get on it."

        Pidge whimpers softly, rubbing her hands together in a nervous motion. The carnival lights flashed all around, lighting up the area from the nights darkness. The couple was standing in front of a large roller coaster ride, big but short ride. Shiro stood beside Pidge, a bundle of tickets in each hand.

"Shiro, it's not fair," Pidge softly said, looking up at the man.


"It said it's not fair."


"Because this is my first time. I don't want to whined up shitting in my shorts for the first time visiting a carnival. Next time?"

Shiro hesitated, looking up at the large and massive ride that stood in front of him. People breezed past them, excited to get their seats for the horror that awaits them. Shiro pours, "Fine."


"You got cotton candy in your hair."


Shiro laughed, gently pulling out the piece of stuck pink cotton candy that was hidden in Pidge's brown hair. Pidge giggled softly, feeling the man's warm fingers caressing in her soft and cuddly hair. Shiro just smiled, watching the teenager girl enjoy the stick of cotton candy he bought just for her. Together, they sat at a small table by a food stand, eating sweets and softly talking to each other in soft voices. Music played quietly around them, grouped people walking around as they enjoyed their time in visiting the carnival.

"May I have a piece?" Shiro asked.

Pidge looks up, immediately nodding in response. The teenager adorably handled the stick into Shiro's large and muscular hands, allowing him to have his turn in enjoying the sweets. Shiro smiled, a bit shocked how the girl just handed him the whole thing - well, it way already half eaten. From all the girlfriends the man had, none of them would be so generous in handling him something right back when nicely asked from something he bought for them in the first place. That was a sign that Pidge was a caring and unselfish human being.


"You ready?"

Pidge nods, slowly stepping into the cart that was attached onto the Ferris wheel. It was Pidge's first time ever riding one, first startled when it started to move unexpectedly. Shiro laughed softly, holding Pidge's small hand into his large one, keeping her company. As the ride took them higher up the sky, Pidge's breath was taken from the beautiful sight of the town and the carnival itself. She never knew this ride would provide such beauty to admire from high up above. This whole time, Shiro just watched Pidge in delight, amazed to see a teenager be so entertained about this ride. Usually, many teenagers compare this ride for people who can't handle scary rides - which was half true. But what the teenagers were really missing is the fact of the beauty it beholds once your high up into the skies.

Once the ride stopped, Pidge and Shiro was high up in the air, the cool autumn breeze blowing through. Pidge was still in such delight, taking in the sights that she was seeing. Shiro softly coughed purposely, grabbing Pidge's attention immediately.

"Hm?" Pidge hummed, making high contact to the man beside her. Shiro smiled and slowly started to lean forward, slightly tilting his head as he got closer. At first, Pidge didn't know what he was about to do until she felt Shiro's lips press against her soft ones, shock and startled. This was Pidge's first kiss.

The man slowly slide his hands around her small and feminine figure, pulling Pidge deeper into the kiss. The teenager could feel her heart race like it never raced before, her face just tomato red. This never happened to her, she was breathless. She couldn't think. She couldn't speak. She couldn't move. She was frozen.

     All she could do was slowly kiss back, gently closing her eyes. Her hands slowly wrapped around Shiro's neck, relaxing herself onto him. A high level of trust was presented, both just kissing away in front of beautiful sights of the town. The moving of the cart was what disturbed their loving embrace, slowly breaking away. As they broke away, Pidge opened her eyes and stares into her man's crystal ones, admiring his beauty. Pidge couldn't think straight, gently laying her head into Shiro's warm chest. Shiro just chuckles,  placing his hands around Pidge for support, cuddling as they went down. Pidge knew she wouldn't be able to sleep again tonight.

Oh shit, the ship has sailed in such high speeds


Shidge (Shiro x Pidge): The Flower GirlWhere stories live. Discover now