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A/N: I am new to the YGO fandom so please forgive me for inaccuracy. I just thought it was odd how Yugi and Yami didn't have a talk after what had happened (unless it happens in the Manga I haven't read that yet).


"Use your cards to slit my throat, Yugi!" Kaiba roared across the field from behind his decaying Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. He was standing on the edge of Pegasus' tower, one harsh gust of wind would certainly push the tall male over the edge.

Yami's other self was screaming at him. Telling him to stop this. But he couldn't - no - he wouldn't lose. Never.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Anzu take a sprint towards him, a loud shout coming from her throat. He looked away from her and commanded the final attack, ignoring hers and Yugi's pleas. Disregarding and even blocking out the tugging feeling in his chest as his other me tried to take control, tried to stop him.

Suddenly he wasn't standing behind his cards on the other side of the tower anymore. No, instead Yami found himself standing right in front of Seto Kaiba. Yami looked over his shoulder, to the spot where he stood before, he found his other me crumbled to the floor, crying into Anzu's arms. The cards were carelessly flung to the ground, the holograms had disappeared.

Yami frowned and turned his head back, eyes gazing up at the tall man who was still standing before him. The brunet said nothing as he stared down at the other. Yami raised his arms and placed his hands firmly on the man's chest, feeling his racing heartbeat. The wind rushed past them, urging him on.

There was a heavy silence surrounding them as Kaiba uttered the words, "Do it."

And that's when Yami pushed him over the edge.

He awoke with a start looking around frantically. Sitting on the floor, cold and dark walls surrounding him, engraving him. He was in his soul room, his tomb.

He let out a long breath. The fear of sadness and fear lingered in his chest, tugging at his heart. The feelings seemed almost passive, light enough to brush off, but too harsh to ignore. This weren't his though, Yami had discovered, they didn't belong to him, they belonged to his other self, to Yugi.

"I'm scared!" The boy had cried, "I'm scared of this game and of the other me!"

Yugi's voice echoed through Yami's head. He had frightened his other self, with his selfish and rash actions. Not only did he scare Yugi but he almost killed Seto Kaiba too.

Yami stood up, not knowing what to do, or how to react. He brushed a hand through his hair and closed his eyes. How could this have happened? How could he even let it come this far? Was he so scared of losing the duel against Kaiba that he would go as far as to throw his opponent off the tower? Would he rather murder him than scar his pride? No, he couldn't have, could he? He wanted to help Yugi save his Grandpa. But regardless of motive, it didn't change the fact that he had almost killed someone - again - using Yugi's body.

Yami cursed himself, his other self's emotions still bubbling in his chest.

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