Fifteen- Training

Start from the beginning

I emerge from out of the corner to see Seán and Mark's backs still turned. I coughed a little to get their attention and they simultaneously turned around. Seán's jaw dropped.

"Woah." He says, looking impressed. "That's... different." I raise an eyebrow. "I like different."

"Me too." I nod in agreement. "Thanks, Mark." I say, turning towards the muscular man with his arms folded over his chest. "Even if they were stolen."

"I like to see it as borrowed without certainty of return." Mark replied.

~Day Two~

Right. Left. Jump. Dodge. I say in my head as I perform each action, avoiding each of Mark's pretend curses. I was improving. My reflexes were getting faster and I didn't seem as distracted.

"Brilliant, Y/N!" Mark seemed genuinely impressed for once which made me smile. "Crucio!" I quickly dodged out of the way and continued to jog in the small space around me, ready to swerve around more fake spells. "Ready to perform some combat abilities tomorrow?"

I stopped jogging and wiped the sweat from my brow. "Hell yes."
~Day Three~

"The important thing to note in these kind of scenarios is to not be afraid. You need to fully believe in yourself if you want to perform some of these self-defence moves." Mark explains.

"Okay." I nod my head in acknowledgement to what he was saying.

"First thing I want you to do is to attack me." He ushered me towards him.


"Attack me. Punch me in the face."

"No, I'm not going to-"

"What's the most important thing?" Mark asked, waiting for me to reply.

"To not be afraid."

"Exactly. If it helps, just picture me as Seán when he really pisses you off."

"Hey!" Seán looks up from the book of Mark's he was reading, sounding offended. I look over and laugh, crossing my arms over my chest.


"Alright." I uncross my arms and take a step forward. I lightly punch Mark's arm.

"Oh, c'mon, Y/N. What was that?"

"I don't want to hurt you!"

"Who gives a shit? I've got more scars and bruises on my body than you can count from these past three years. One more punch isn't going to make a difference. C'mon, go again." Mark stands, ready for the impact of my fist.

"I'm sorry in advance." I say as I draw back my fist and swing it forward as hard as I can but before it could come into contact with Mark's jaw, he grabbed my forearm and twisted it behind me. I let out a small gasp at the sudden move. Seán stood up opening his mouth to object but Mark cut him off.

"A simple and harmless self-defence trick." Mark reassured him. Mark released me and I sighed out. "This is the kind of thing I will be teaching you, Y/N."

"Just... give me some warning next time." I say rubbing my forearm where Mark had restrained me.

"Would any of those bastards out there give you some warning?" Mark asks as he points towards the mouth of the cave.

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