Kumamon Lover; 504th Day

Start from the beginning

"Which one looks like a good title? They all have good reviews so they all must be pretty decent."

"This one... A Nameless Bird's Letter To The Moon, that looks nice."

"Okay, put it on, I'll get the blankets and you get the popcorn."

"But, we just ate," Jimin halfheartedly complains while increasing the volume on the laptop, putting on the movie and pausing it before he stands up to go to the kitchen.

After the two recollect at the couch again, Jimin has a big bowl of popcorn and Yoongi is a little tired and slightly sweaty from all the effort he had to go through to take out the softest blanket he owned from his storeroom.

"Are you sure you need a blanket?" Jimin asks, amused at the sight.

Yoongi sighs, sitting down next to Jimin, a very close proximity. "Not right now. Pull the coffee table closer."

Diligently doing as Yoongi says, Jimin pulls the coffee table near the edge of the couch, pulling his legs up and folding them. Yoongi follows after Jimin, folding his legs up so they don't get crushed by the table.

Lazily, Yoongi swings over the blanket, trying to cover them both with one but failing making Jimin bark out a laugh. "I'll do it, hyung."

After they both are huddling together in front of the computer screen, Yoongi grabs the bowl of popcorn and puts it in the middle on top of the blankets. "Start it."

"Okay~" Jimin drawls, leaning forward to press play before leaning back, shifting even closer to Yoongi. The latter hopes his heart isn't too loud right now, fighting down the blush creeping to his cheeks.

The movie choice ended up really beautiful, actually. It was one of those types of movies that really entered your heart and build its own place somewhere in there, where you wanted to cry because of how well thought out it was and how much it touched your heart.

The screen was in a credits rolling scene, a soft warm piano melody filling the room. By now, Yoongi had his arms loosely wrapped around Jimin, head resting on the other's shoulder.

Yoongi breathes in the warmth of the moment, heart filled with so much happiness. And, he suddenly feels like telling Jimin how much the boy means to him– how much he's fallen.

The movie's emotional part partially being what gave him a little courage– he had no idea how to approach this but he was going to go for it. He knew there was a slim chance of Jimin actually reciprocating, but he just wanted to let the other know. Jimin isn't the type of a person who would push someone away just because they like him, so Yoongi wasn't scared. He was just a little nervous, and really hopes he knows Jimin enough to make that judgment.

Slowly, Yoongi moves a little down, still hugging the other, his face now buried in the side of Jimin's chest. He mutters, voice muffled, "Jimin?"

"What is it, hyung?" And just the softness in Jimin's voice makes Yoongi melt in affection.

"You know you're a really amazing person, right?" He says, voice soft and steady, so sure of his words. "You have no idea how happy I am that a person like you exists– even the fact that we got a chance to be friends is so surreal to me. You're a really really amazing person. I really appreciate you."

There's silence for a few seconds before Yoongi continues. He knows Jimin is smiling, because that's what he always does when he's complimented. He's a little disappointed that he's too busy being nervous to get to see the adorable beam on the other.

"I–" he starts, stopping in his words. For being a lyricist among many things, he feels at a loss of words at the moment, not knowing how to express his feelings towards Jimin. "I don't know how to even express this–"

He feels his voice waver a little, "I... know this will probably ruin everything," hell, he doesn't even know if Jimin swings that way.

"But..." he trails off, not knowing if he should continue or not, his heart hammering against his ribs as he contemplates where he should back out last second. But, he doesn't say anything. He feels like he's waiting for Jimin to respond, he wants to tell him. He wants Jimin to press on– to pry the words out of him; to let the other know he was the sunshine in his life.

But, instead of an actual response, he feels movement of Jimin's hands softly resting on the back of his neck, rubbing gently and comfortably. And, he gets a response he hadn't expected.

"It's okay. I know." There's a pause before Jimin's voice, above a bare whisper speaks again. "It'll be okay, hyung. Nothing will get ruined."

And, Yoongi almost believes him but he stops short– does he even know what I'm talking about? What is he even talking about?

"N-no, that isn't it– I... I really have something to say that might ruin us- whatever we've come to."

Just when he's about to pull back from Jimin's chest to look up at him – to tell him – to hand over his heart to the person who's had a grasp over it for so long, he feels the hand on his neck move to his cheek, seemingly holding his jaw. His head gently gets pushed off of Jimin's chest, tilting it up to look at Jimin who was just staring at him with the most love in his eyes.

Yoongi doesn't know what's happening as he gets pulled up slightly, eyes widening as Jimin leans down to him.

It's exactly two seconds when he feels a pair of lips on his, Jimin's eyes fluttered close right up at his face.

It's a very uncomfortable position, but nothing else but the soft press of Jimin against his lips is even daring to enter Yoongi's head at the moment.

It's ten seconds when Jimin pulls away, the heart wrenching smile present on his lips, eyes curving with his lips.

Yoongi's jaw's slacked, complete surprise in his system. Getting pulled to reality a bit when he sees Jimin's lips move to form words at a whisper.

"Everything is fine, hyung. I feel the same."

And that's when Yoongi's mind finally lands back into real life, eyes blinking rapidly in disbelief as he sits up, pulling away his arms that were originally around Jimin. "Are– are you serious? You aren't fucking with me, right?"

Jimin lets out a loud laugh, shaking his head, leaning his head forward to put it on Yoongi's neck. "I'm not fucking with you. I really like you– actually, I think I might love you– shit, is that too soon?"

Completely taken aback, Yoongi freezes for a second before snorting, "Too soon? Too soon?" He hears Jimin's giggle before throwing the tangled mess of the blanket somewhere, Yoongi wraps himself around him, legs around his waist and arms around his neck, pulling him as close as possible. "I fucking love you, Jimin. I don't give a shit if this is too soon. I'm in love with you."

He feels the soft caressing of Jimin's hands on his back before hearing a mutter, "Good."

Yoongi feels so happy he could cry, but he won't, obviously. "I'm so happy."

"I'm happy, too."

The words slipping out, Yoongi grins as he says it, finally able to let out his heart, passing it over to the one who had complete control of it. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you."

Jimin's hold tenderly tightens. "I love you, too."

"Ah– I'm so happy. Jimin, I love you."

"I, too,  love you, hyung. So much."

The night passes just like that, the two exchanging their words of affection repeatedly. They don't pull away for very long.

Until Yoongi has to pee, of course. But, when he comes back, he presses a soft, sweet kiss on Jimin's lips before rewrapping himself around him.

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