"Hey there beautiful" he said with a big smile. I smiled and hugged him tight.

"Damn girl I just saw you a hour ago" he said laughing. I let go of him and laughed.

"Yeah I know it's just that I missed you" I said.

"I missed you too" he leaned down and gave me a peck on the lips. "what class you got"


"You In luck baby girl so do i" he said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

Thank god, I don't have to face another class alone.

We walked in to the class hand and hand and I followed him to the last row

"You can sit right there next to me" he said. I sat down where he pointed to and he sat in the desk next to it.

A few moments later more people walked in and a few boys joined us in the back the ones from McDonald's. Khalil,Chirs, and Prince. everyone was just siting around and talking and Khalil was making jokes and stuff but prince kept looking at me funny.

"Aye new girl your in my seat" some girl said, I looked over to see a girl standing there.

"Bitch your name ain't on that's damn seat" Khalil said before I can say something.
Then she pointed to the side of the desk where it said "Brianna" carved in it.

"It's ok I'll move" I said getting up.

"Naw come here baby girl" john said.
I walked over to him and he pulled me in his lap, "this seat is much better then that one anyway" he said. Brianna rolled her eyes and sat down.

"Arnt I going to get in trouble" I said.

"Naw you gucci" he said.

"Awwee that's cute john you have a new mutt" Brianna said.

"Last time I checked you was begging to be his mutt" Khalil said.

"Was I talking to you" she said in a stink voice.

"Naw you was talking to me" John said.

"Exactly" she said flipping her hair back.

"Yeah, so to answer your question, last time I checked you wanted to be my mutt" John said.

Everyone burst out in laughter.

"Yeah whatever john something's going to come around and bite you in the ass" she said.

"Mhm whatever" John said.

"Okay class settle down" the teacher said as she walked In and sat her papers down.

"Ok ok so it comes to my attention that we have a new student.... uhh Mercadi" she said.

I shyly raised my hand. she looked at me and raised her eye brow.

"I see you have gotten comfortable" she said.

"Just trying to make her feel at home mrs. Goldman" John said.

"Mhm, tomorrow find a real seat mrs. Mercadi" she said.

"Yes ma'm" I said.

::::A Little while later::::

The teacher was going over the lesson and i was taking notes, but everyone else was having little side conversations.

"I need to go to the bathroom" I said to john.

"Just go then" he said.

"Don't I need a pass" I said.

"Babe about half of the class has left already your fine" he said.

I gave him a peck on the lips "I'll be right back" I said, I got up and walked out.

I walked down the hall and around the cornor to the girls bathroom, when I went in a group of girls was in there. they all looked at me so I just gave them a little smile. I went in one of the stales and did what I needed to do then I went to wash my hands.

"So you think that you can just come up in our school like you run shit bitch" one of the girls said. I looked at them "look I don't want any trouble" I said.

"Bitch well you got some" another girl said. they all started gathering around me.

"I-I just want to get back to class" I said. but then one of the girls shoved me pushing me in to another girl, then that girl pushed me to the floor. there was at least 7 of these girls.

"White bitch" another girl said. then someone grabbed me buy my hair and next thing I know my face was slammed into the sink. they all started laughing,

I just laid on the floor as blood was gushing out of my head. I started to feel tears falling from my eyes as my head was pounding.

I watched as the girls walked out the bathroom then I stood up slowly, I looked in the mirror and half of my face had blood on it, I started crying even harder. I just ran out the bathroom and just out if the whole school.

My head is ponding with pain and I can't stop crying I swear I'm never going back to that school again, I don't even want to leave my room.

Bleeding Love: A True Thug StoryWhere stories live. Discover now