[5] January 10, 1988

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A month after the whole Archie situation. Isabella avoided him. She became best friends with the losers again. She finally felt happy. She planned on avoiding him for the rest of her life until January 10, 1988.
"I can't believe you failed that test what did you do to be so stupid?" Eddie joked around with Izzy as They walked back from their history class.

"Your mom." Izzy answered as the two got to Izzy's locker.

"Who's doing eddies mom other than me?" Richie said walking over with Stan. Bill was home sick today.

"H-hey" Stan said with his cheeks flushing pink.

"Whoa we already have stuttering bill do we need a stuttering Stan?" Richie said.

"Stutters are cute." Izzy said jokingly.

"Alert Bill he's got himself a girl!" Richie said jokingly.

"No Izzy wouldn't do that to Stan!" Eddie argued.

"Are you arguing over us?" Stan and Izzy said at the same time. The four laughed.

"Izzy!" A voice called. Archie.

"You've been ignoring me. Babe." Archie said. Stan moved closer to Izzy.

"I'm not your babe." Izzy said grabbing onto Stan's hand.

"Come on don't do this." Archie said reaching towards her.

"Do what! You tried to- you took advantage of me. I'm not your girlfriend. You lied you just wanted to sleep with me. You never gave a fuck!" Izzy said pulling away. Eddie and Richie put the pieces together. They placed themselves in front of their best friend.

"You wanted it." Archie said with a smirk on his face. Izzy couldn't take it anymore. So she did what she thought was a good idea.

She punched that bastard in the face. Then grabbed her friends and ran away.

"Holy shit!" Richie exclaimed once they finally stopped in an alley.

Breathing heavy she leaned against a brick wall.

"What the fuck happened back there!" Eddie asked. Stan looked at Izzy.

Then they spilled the story to their friends knowing that they could trust them.

"I'm going to kill him!" Richie said.

"Can I help?" Eddie said.

"No!" Izzy said.

"Richie you'd get killed in a fight and Eddie you're to pure. I've got this under control. Okay?" Izzy said.

"Stan you're okay with this?" Richie said.

"I trust her." Stan said giving Izzy a weak smile which she returned.
Sorry it's short I've been swamped so far. I'm in high school so I'm working on getting good grades and I'm also really sick right now but thank you my lovelies for 1k reads I'm not going to lie I cried when I saw if. I love you all I wouldn't be here without you guys. Take your meds drink water and get sleep I love you all.

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