Chapter two

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The next morning, I woke up to every single one of my coconuts gone. Some stupid animal must have stolen them. But to my immense surprise, there was an abundance of footprints around my camp. Human footprints. Not animal footprints. What all was on this island? Wait. If there are other people on this island, maybe there's a way to get off of it! If I was going to go back into the forest, I needed to be prepared this time. I would need several sharp sticks, some rocks, and some food. I was lucky that it was very warm on this island, because I had no idea how to start a fire. I gathered my materials in less than half an hour and I started on my journey. It was spooky, more so than the last time I was there. Then I heard the same skittering. I jumped behind a tree and hid in its darkness, thinking that the shadow was coming. But something much worse happened this time: a masculine chuckle reverberated in my ears and a hand slammed a rock right down on my head.

When I finally came to, I had a headache a thousand times worse than when I woke up on the beach. I opened my eyes to see a pair of hazel ones staring back at me. It was a boy, a very beautiful one at that. He let out a laugh, and I realized it was the same one who had smacked my head and knocked me out! I recognized the voice. I opened my mouth to tell him off, but he put his fingers to my lips. "My name is Felix," he said in a deep and sultry voice. "And soon, you will meet my master." He lifted a hand and blew some kind of powder in my face. I felt myself losing consciousness, the last thing I saw being his smug features.

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