Chapter one

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I woke up with my head pounding. I took a look around and all I could see was white sand, crystal clear water, and trees. I was on an island. A freaking island. Immediately, I began to think about escape plans. I could build a raft (yes, like the ones from the movies) and maybe gather some food from off the island. I lifted myself off the scorching sand and began the journey deeper into the island. There was a waterfall not one hundred feet in, so I drank. Coconut trees littered the expanse, so I picked up a few and put them in a burlap sack I had found on the shore. They dragged my shoulders down, but I needed food. I cracked open one of the coconuts and quickly ate the fruit inside. I filled up the empty shell with water and continued on my trek. There were so many trees, it got darker and darker the deeper I went into the island. There were many more coconut trees and a few more waterfalls. I saw a few sparse orange trees, but I wasn't fond of oranges. I grabbed several anyway, since I was in dire need of food. Suddenly, I heard some skittering in the brush ahead of me. I dropped to the ground, grabbed a sharp stick, and jumped back up into a fighting stance. I screeched, "Hello? Who's out there?"even though it was probably just a small animal. Then all the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I looked down and saw that I had two shadows instead of one.

I screamed loudly enough to shatter glass and took off at a sprint back towards the ocean. There must be something terribly evil on this island. And I had no way off of it.

Deciding to stick to stick close to the beach, I started gathering materials to make a shelter since it would be dark soon. I got a few long pieces of wood, long strips of grass, and some vines. Sadly, I had ditched all my food when that shadow thing had appeared. Luckily, there were several coconut trees along the edge of the forest. I went and quickly gathered some. It was pretty dark by now, so I settled down under my small shelter for a long night.

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