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If you didn't read about Bryson and Keziah in the club, then that's the chapter before this


"I don't understand why Bryson get so much pussy" Aidric said as he listened to Bryson and Keziah have sex.

"Cause Bryson act like he love you when he fuckin'. You gotta see for yourself" Malija said. "I be like 'ouu shit, nigga. You can nut all up inside me. Kiss me like that again. Suck on my nipple and tell me how much you appreciate me.'  That boy is a sex guru"

Jahaun felt his dick twitch, and sunk his fingers into his leg to get himself to chill.

"Shut that bullshit up" Aidric frowned.

There was a loud banging on the wall, and Keziah moaned before shrieking.

"Dick game weak" Aidric said. "She faking like a porn star"

"He does too much one on one sex though" Oceanne said.

It got quiet in the other room.

"He ain't got the stamina for two" Kannon laughed. "The nigga weak"

"It's yours!" Keziah moaned.

Something got smacked, and then it got quiet again.

Six and a half minutes later, Bryson suddenly walked out the room. "You ain't gettin' no clothes"

"Bryson, come hereeee" Keziah called.

"These panties is mine. That dress is ripped. You ain't gettin' nothin' from me" He walked into the living room, and took a seat on the couch like everything was normal. "I bet'chu you won't come out here and get fucked"

"No and no" She called from his room.

"I'a beat the brakes off you" Bryson walked into his room again, and pulled Keziah across his lap, bending her over.

"You don't know that i'm nasty by now?" She sat up, and Bryson pulled her thighs down, inching her pussy towards him.

"I know you gotta fat pussy, and a fat ass"

Keziah got up to close and lock the door before Bryson pulled her onto his lap.

"Thanks for noticing" She said.

He squeezed her ass, and she lowered herself onto him.

"Do you like grown women, or girls your own age?"

The doorbell rang, and Bryson slid out from underneath Keziah. "Fuck, that's Nasira. She not my girl, but I gotta be exclusive when i'm around her. Could you go chill on the couch with my friends?" Bryson threw her a shirt, but kicked her bra underneath the bed.

"Oh, wow. Whatever" She pulled the shirt on, and did as told. Bryson put on some shorts, and a tanktop.

Indie and Nasira were both at the door.

Both of his 'exclusives'.

"What y'all doin' here?" Bryson scratched the back of his neck before kissing Indie, and then Nasira, wanting to see how Nasira would react.

She was fine with it.

They all walked into the living room, and Aidric started laughing. "What you got goin' on here, Bryson?"

"You think every-fuckin'-thing funny" Bryson scowled.

"Evren? You told Evren to get your number from me?" Indie came with an attitude.

"Shit, it might've happened like that" He responded.

"Why must you talk to every female, Bryson?"

"I don't even talk to every female. I only got a handful. And most of them are future prostitutes. Why y'all respond?"

Nasira slid her hand into Bryson's, and as badly as he wanted to tell her that that was his pussy patting palm, he didn't.

"Femi had y'all's baby, Bryson. Did you know that?"

"Ms. Martin had her baby too. But hers is premature"

Bryson hissed before turning to Orlina. "Why? Why would you do that?"

"Baby?" Nasira and Keziah asked at the same time, and Nas looked at Keziah.

"Really? The Chanel store worker?" Nasira punched him in the side, and stood up. "What aren't you hiding, Bryson? Honestly"

"That baby not even in my life. I don't know nothing about it, and it's not like Femi raising it alone. She gave it up for adoption cause Behnum doesn't want the kid to be like me" Bryson explained.

"I'm going home. I doubt we're going to work, Bryson. This is beginning to be too much for me" Nasira said. "I can't wait for you"


Trae rested his arm on the top of Femi's boob, and drunk from her slowly while moving his toes around.

"You always have to be doing something, huh?" Daniel kissed his foot before sitting up and watching Femi.

Trixie had stepped out of her home for a few moments.

"He's a busy body" Femi smiled down at him, and he stared up at her.

"You eighteen, huh?" Daniel questioned lowly, licking his lips.

"Nineteen, because I started school late. Behnum still considers me a minor though"

Trae pushed off against her breast, and Femi sat him up to burp him.

She was about to fix herself, but Daniel stopped her, and touched her.

"What the f-"

"Shh" Daniel pulled out two hundreds, and forced them into her hand. "Put the baby down"

Trae burped, and threw up a little before yawning, and closing his eyes.

Femi got up, and changed his diaper before laying his body in his crib against the wall.

"What do you want?" She spoke lowly.

"Take the rest of your shirt off, and follow me"


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