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A/N: All right, this chapter wasn't originally planned but here it is anyway :) I hope you like it and thank you for putting up with me, I know my writing is lame but I'm trying :x Feel free to leave a review and let me know what you think. Thanks! :x :x :x

The morning arrived a way too soon, the sun was peeking in through a small window, warmly touching a side of the king's face. He slowly began to wake up, taking the time to open his sleepy eyes. His whole body felt tired but in a very pleasant way and he let out a sigh of blissful contentment. Elise's back was wonderfully pressing against his front and his left hand was protectively draped over her waist. When his eyes opened at last, he was met with a mass of her crimson locks splayed across her back and covering the upper half of her body. Tempted as he was, he drew the curtain of her hair aside and placed several feather-like kisses on her shoulder blade. She moved slightly, also waking up.

"Good morning, my love. I am sorry if I awakened you but I just couldn't help myself." he mumbled huskily with a mildly apologetic tone.

Elise turned around to face him, still rather drowsy but when she glanced up at the man by her side, the corners of her lips instantly curled up in a bright smile. "I could get used to this, you know. Good morning to you too."

Caspian closed the gap between them and they shared the first kiss of a new day. But it was harshly interrupted by urgent knocks on the door and Susan's voice full of concern. "Elise? Are you up yet? Is Caspian there with you?" she asked the last part more quietly.

The two immediately parted and Elise gasped as she heard what the queen had said. "Oh my God! How does she know?" she gave Caspian a perplexed look but he only smirked and shrugged his shoulders. "I confided in her. You two seemed to be very close and I had no clue how to approach you."

"Are you kidding me? So how much of what we did last night had been her idea?" Elise snapped, glaring daggers at him.

"Oh no! Don't underestimate me or yourself, dearest. I bet no one saw this coming." he winked at her and gently nudged her arm, watching as a sheepish smile was already forming on her lips. "Come on, do you want me to make up for it?" he offered and pulled her towards himself, his hands tenderly gripping her hips whilst he nuzzled her forehead, then he tilted her chin up to kiss her properly.

"Caspian", she had to bite back a moan, "don't do this.. now."

"Hey, guys. I'm still here and.. I can hear you!" Susan's indignant voice called from behind the door. "Caspian, Aslan has been looking for you. He awaits you at the courtyard."

"I am coming!" the king shouted in the direction of the wooden gate and hastily leaned down for one last smooch before hopping off of the bed, starting to dress up.

Elise bit her bottom lip as she watched him getting dressed, finally having the opportunity to admire his naked body. To her, he was simply perfect and she smiled inwardly realizing that he was hers, that she was the one privileged to see him like this.

Her expression was easy enough to read though, and Caspian rewarded her with a toothy grin. He had decided to only put on his pants and shirt, folding the rest of his clothes over his arm. With his other hand he grabbed an apple from a bowl on a table by the window, walking back to the bed.

"I am quite hungry after such a night. I will have breakfast promptly delivered to you up here." he told her and kissed her cheek. "Will see you soon, my love." and he marched towards the door.

"Caspian", she made him pause, pouting at him, "I really need a bath."

He chuckled and gave her a nod of understanding, "Of course. I will take care of it, sweetheart." They both exchanged smiles and with that he left the room, while Elise collapsed back onto the soft mattress.

THE*REASON*WHYOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant