♡Chapter 5~♡

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Branch woke up finding himself laying on top of clouds, and it was really bright.

"What the-"


The grey troll quickly got up looked around.

"Hello? Who's there?" He yelled a bit defensively.

Branch, over here...

"What's going on?" He started to step back.

No silly... look behind you...

Hearing that, Branch quickly turned around and saw Poppy, wearing a white dress, and her flower headband was white, and she had..... wings?


"Yes! It's me!!" Poppy giggled and jumped up and spun around with her wings.

"What- Wha- AM I DEAD?! DID I DROWN?!" Branch panicked.

"No silly!" She giggled again.

"Then where am I?!"

"I can't tell you."

"Where are the others?"

"I can't tell you that either."

"Then wha-"

Poppy walked up to him and put a finger on his mouth.

"No more questions.. just relax..."


Poppy wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.

Branch couldn't believe he was doing this, but he hugged her back, hesitantly.

He breathed in her scent, the scent of vanilla and strawberries.

"Branch, I like you."

"You... what?"

"I like you.."

They released from the hug, but they still held hands.

"I... uhh...."

The poor troll was out of words.

"I... like you too... I have for a long time..."

Poppy smiled sweetly in response.

All of a sudden, she grabbed hold of his shoulders.



"Branch, Branch, Branch."

"What? Poppy wha-"

All of a sudden, everything faded into white.

And then..


"AAASHGH HIDE THE COCONUTS!!" Branch shot up panting, awoke from his dream.

"WE'RE ABOUT TO RUN INTO A WATERFALL!!!" Poppy shouted pointing at a waterfall that they were getting close too.

"Oh great."

"What're we gonna do?! The river's going faster!!" Chenille exclaimed panicking.

"Uh, I uhh-"

Branch began to sweat when the boat began to fall apart slowly.

"Yep, we're done for." Cooper shook his head.

"Guys, I think we're just gonna have to take it. I mean... it's just water..." Branch mumbled.

"Yeah! Water we can drown in!" Creek scowled.

The waterfall was an inch away from them.

"Everyone hang on!!" Poppy exclaimed, hanging onto the remaining part of the boat.

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