part 3 : Going on a date

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As they arrived to the restaurant they find their table and sat down , the waiter approached them and handed over the menu and then leave

Sonali: " It's a beautiful restaurant "

Prem: " Yeah, indeed , so what do you
want to eat my darling ? "

Sonali ( glares at him ) : " hmm..i want chicken breast and salad "

Prem: " hmm.. I'll have the same "
Points to the waiter he took their order .

Prem: " So.. are you really fine that sameer is dating another girls ? "

Sonali: " Yeah absolutely, life must go on right. "

Prem: " Right , enough talking about that so after the dinner im taking you to the movies "

Sonali: " Oh yeah, and what kind of a movie? "

Prem: " they say there's a new movie resealed which is fantastic it's a romcom movie we will go see it "

Sonali: " I didn't know that you're interested in romantic movies!"

Prem: " ofcours I am, iam very romantic guy "

Sonali ( sarcastically) : " yes you are "

Prem: " iam darling, but you never see that side of me ( winks)"

Sonali: " Ok Mr romantic guy then why you're still single? "

Prem: " that's sonali darling because I didn't find the right girl yet and some day I will , and you will be invited to my wedding ( laughing) "

Sonali (laughs) : Ofcours I will be you idiot im your bestie ofcours I'll be there for you "

Prem: " you'll be my best man "

As they laughing loud the dinner is served and they started eating, they continue talking and laughing they even shared a selfie together with their dinner.

After they finished their dinner they went to the movies to watch the new movie.

As they sit in sonali seat was between prem and another guy he noticed sonali in her beautiful dress and silky hair .

She was talking with prem and laughing before the movie start .

The man started to do some weird moves.

Sonali noticed that but she ignored him but the man didn't stop, he tried to touch her hand she felt him and quickly grabbed her hand ,

prem noticed sonali movement and looked at the man , the man didn't noticed that prem was watching him ,
he asked sonali " Are you ok , are you comfortable? "

sonali was about to answer prem but she freaked as she felt the man touching her.

Prem saw that, he got angry he jumped out his seat and grabbed sonali's arm putting her behind him then he punched the man in his face broken his teeth, they punched each other many times until the people separate them ,

the angry look in his face was unbelievable looking around him he noticed sonali standing there looking scared he took her in his arms and asked her " are you ok?"

Sonali nodded  .

Prem felt sonali shaking in his arms he held her tight and told her " Let's get out of here " then he took her and leave.

Taking her to the park they sat on the bench.

Sonali still shocked for what happened.

"Are you alright?" Prem said

Sonali (In a shaking voice) : " Yeah I'm fine , you ? "

Prem: " great "

Sonali : " You're bleeding a little "

Prem started to check himself .

Sonali : " here let me clean it "
She took out a handkerchief from her purse and started to clean his bleeding cheeks and lips.

"Ouch,Ouch it's hurt " prem said moaning

Sonali: " Stop whining like kids "

Prem ( in frowning face ) : " but it's hurt "

She looked at him with a smile and he did the same, they looked at each other's eyes for fifteen seconds without saying a word.

Then Sonali broke the look by saying :

" You know, I didn't thank you for what you did back there so thank you "

Prem : " sona you're my best friend ofcours if I saw some ugly, basterd guy doing this to you I 'll fudging kill him"

Sonali ( sarcastically/ fangirlng ) :" Ooh, my hero " ( She hugged him )

She continued " you know, he wasn't that ugly "

Prem looked at her shocked "Are you kidding me right now " he said ,
" Not that ugly , So what you like him now ?"

Sonali laughed and said " Calm down prem I'm just kidding "

Prem ( putting his hand on his heart) : " you almost give me a heart attack "

Sonali laughed loudly and said " you're overreacting prem "

He started to laugh too.

Sonali: " Omg , it was the best night ever,It's awesome "

Prem: " well the night isn't over yet, c'mon "

Sonali: " Wait, what now "

Prem: well, thanks to this ugly head man our movie are ruined so I must to make it up to you "

Sonali : " Are you kidding , how?"

Prem grabbed their coats and her purse and handed them over to her and said: "we are going to play "

Sonali: " Play ! Now! Where? "

Prem: " Going to carnival "

Sonali: " In this time! Are you crazy? "

Prem : " yup, we are going now "

So they headed to the carnival , when they entered they headed to the horror house, they entered and played .

After a while they got out laughing out loud they didn't got scared a bit .
Then headed to buy an ice cream and they took a selfie together with the gifts they won and they continued taken sily pictures together it was the most amazing, beautiful, awesome night they both had .

Prem: " So , did you have enough?"

Sonali: " Oh yeah, it's was awesome "

Prem: " Now to our final destination "

Sonali " what you mean? "

Prem: " you will see (winks). "

As they were walking sonali was putting her hand in his he said :

" There's a secret place I want you to see , I go there often it's like my special place, my father used to take me there when i was a kid , I have a lot of memories in that place with him."
Sonali: " wow that's sweet "
Prem: " yup"

When they arrived there was a lake shining like it's full of pearls because of the reflection of the stars so it was magical .

Sonali: " Omg , what a view, beautiful "
Prem: " It is , huh?" Looking at her.

Sonali : " It's a wonderful place"

Prem : " it's a very special place to me I never told anyone about it " looking at the lake with a nostalgic look in his eyes.

" So did you have a wonderful time?"

Sonali : " Are you kidding me , it was amazing thank you so much, you really make it up to me "

Prem( smiling) :" it's late now let's go home. "

Sonali: " let's " .

Let me know what do you think about it 😊 .

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