Chapter I

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Crimson Peak.

It was just as Edith Cushing-Sharpe-McMichael had described in her novel, as if time had petrified the outer layer of the house and the atmosphere surrounding it. It had been renovated and upgraded with modern lighting and appliances, and it still retained it's air of darkness. It was the perfect setting for Iris to escape.

The Sharpe siblings watched as their new guest arrived, unbeknownst to Iris that she was indeed just a guest.

"She can't stay."

"Lucille, please-"

The onyx apparition glared at her alabaster and rust stained brother, "I'll be sure she doesn't. I care not if I receive your aid, this time."

Lucille disappeared from the second story level of the staircase as Thomas remained on the third, sighing in defeat as he closed his eyes. There were a few tenants that even he had grown weary of, but in aiding Lucille in scaring them off, she automatically assumed that he shared her desire to be left in solitude with her. Such was far from the truth. He loved his sister dearly, even in death, but that didn't keep him from disagreeing with her. For once, he would like to keep their company around for a little while. The longest a guest had stayed was nearly a year, but that was because they were skilled in the art of Witchcraft and was learned on how to repel Lucille's antics. Eventually, both Lucille and the tenant had grown too weak to handle each other, so their guest was the first to throw in the towel and leave.

Thomas turned to grasp the railing, his topaz eyes studying the woman that would be inhabiting their home. The extent of her stay was unclear, but Thomas would attempt to enjoy her company until she either proved to be of little worth to his overabundance of time, or Lucille chased her away; whichever would present itself first.

"This is the last of it, Ma'am. Where would you like them?"

Iris extended her index finger towards the library, "In there, please."

Thomas tilted his head to the side in intrigue as he studied the young woman. Iris's eyes flickered around the vast foyer, glistening with wonder as she took in all the eerie manor had to offer. Thomas had left his perch against the third level railing, opting to slunk into the shadows; close enough to see her, but remaining unseen.

Her hair was the color of chocolate, but only long enough to tumble just to her shoulders in soft waves; her skin was tanned the color of hazelnut; and her eyes were a captivating hazel, but flickered between a light brown or more green in certain lightings as she turned around to breathe in the dismal manor. She seemed captivated by what she saw, but her eyes conveyed a certain emptiness to them.

A woman in a coral pink sundress and nude platform heels strode in, her nose crinkling in disgust as she looked about the manor that had most certainly seen better days.

"You can't actually be considering this, Iris." The woman's acidic tone made even Thomas bristle.

Iris rolled her eyes before turning around to face the woman. "Considering? Why do you think this is still a consideration? It's done. I'm moving in."

The strawberry-blonde woman's expression was still derisive as she took another glance around the foyer. 

"Why? Iris, this is nonsense..." Her freshly acrylic-ed fingers reached to grasp Iris's arm. " just come home. Scott and I-"

Iris took her arm back in a scoff of disbelief. "You can go back to your seven bedroom mansion and shove it up your ass, Katie!"

Katie crossed her arms, her white Prada purse hanging from her elbow. "Iris, you've just had a breakdown... I don't think it's safe for you to be on your own."

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