An important conversation with Archie

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"So, what'd you wanna talk to me about, Jug?" Archie inquired. "You mentioned something about Betty? Is this about you not walking her home, cause I'm not actually mad about that. I guess I should have come to pick her up myself."

"No, it's not about that exactly. Well, yes, it kind of is," I admitted. "Arch, I think you're being overprotective of Betty- she's a strong competent young woman, she doesn't need you to babysit her! You can't control her life! She can walk herself home, right?"

Hurt, Archie replied, "Of course she can walk herself home, I know that. It's just... Yeah, I know she's... 'capable'. That was one of our vocab words that Betty quizzed me on yesterday." He looked at me for affirmation.


After a considerable moment of silence, Archie piped up, "I don't want to to control her life, I just was worried about her, I care about her. You understand that, right?"

"Well, that's kind of a rhetorical question."

"A what?"

"Nevermind. Do about Betty because you like her? Is she your girlfriend or something? I saw you holding her hand in science class."

"No, we're just friends! I was... reassuring her, that's all."

"Hmm, I'm not sure she took it that way."

"And what would you know about girls? I mean, I'm sorry if it's a sensitive subject or something.." He stammered, attempting to , seeing my disturbed look.

"It's fine, I'm used to it. Sensitive subjects, that is."

"Well, Reggie said to Betty something about you not even liking girls. Do you? Like girls I mean?"

"What exactly is 'liking girls' classified as?"

"K'know, when you think a girl is...swell. And she walks in and just makes you heart beat a little faster, and you get butterflies in your stomach..."

"Sounds awful."

"But it's totally worth it, because she's just...swell."

"Seriously, Arch, you just described my one true love, Patty. I get butterflies in my stomach, it's awful, but she makes them go away. When I see her, my heart skips a beat because," putting my hand on my heart in mock devotion, "She's just...swell! I typically like her with ketchup, mustard, lettuce, and tomato..."

"C'mon, Jug, be serious!"

"I am! Patty the Burger is my one true love. And who's yours, if not Betty? You seemed to describe that feeling quite well. Side note, who's more worthy of your affections than Betty? Betty's about the most 'swell', as you apparently like to say, girl there is."

"Betty's an amazing friend, but Melody Valentine... she stops my heart! Her brown eyes, deep chocolate hair.."

"Okay, I get the picture. You're in love and so I am," I proceeded to take another bite of my burger.

Mmmm, so delicious! Was that honey mustard?

"Jughead, do you actually not like girls? As in, you don't have any of those feelings?"

I put down my burger. "Okay, if I'm being completely real with you Archie, I do like girls. They're just not super important in my life right now, and honestly, I haven't found a specific girl to have those weird feelings for. By the way, this is only between us, as blood brothers, okay? Everyone thinks I'm some weirdo, recluse who doesn't have feelings for girls like everyone else, and frankly, I'm okay with that, until I find that special girl, that is."

"Your secret's safe with me Juggie," Archie grinned.

But I wasn't being entirely honest with Archie. I did have an inkling of an idea who that special person might be, and it was Betty Cooper.

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