"No good boyfriend is protective to the point of abuse." She barked, turning to face the road once more. "When I get my hands on him-"


"Yes, Ariel. If you think I'm letting this slide, you're wrong. I don't want you to marry him anymore. Honestly, I didn't want you to marry the jerk in the first place!"

Ariel shook her head and kissed Sally's cheek. "I know, he's done a lot of things to me and you don't like that. I know I'm young, but I do really like him."

"Yes, Ariel, LIKE." She exaggerated, slapping her head in a 'duh' motion. "He isn't the person you love - sure, four years, but you have never told me that you love him. You have never even considered him being a bigger part of your life until he dropped the question like a bomb on you in front of your very pushy family!"

Ariel sighed heavily, brushing her hair out of her face. It was true, everything Sally had said was nothing but right.

- Two months ago -

"I said stop kicking me!" Ariel yelled across the table at her younger brother, Louis.

"No!" He chuckled. Louis was just turning thirteen and he was getting on Ariel's last nerves. For thirteen, horrifying years, she had to put up with the devil child. He would torment her even at the age of two; throwing solid blocks at her head. Sure she was ten at the time, but it still hurt.

"Calm down," Jose whispered against her ear. He stroked her knee soothingly and she relaxed against his shoulder.

"Alright children, Jose wants to say something very important." Ariel's mother squealed.

He moved away from Ariel swiftly, stretching his hand out, asking her to take hold; so she did. She interlocked her fingers with his and smiled sweetly. He moved down to his knee, smiling widely up at her.

"Ariel, will you-" The scenery around her slowed instantly. She was panicking hectically inside her mind, her breathing hitched in her throat as she contemplated his first few words. Will you? She thought to herself. Will I what?! Will I go on a date, will I stop gripping your hand so tightly, will I throw those ridiculous Santa shoes awa- wait what. She whispered to herself in horror.

"Ariel, baby?" He whispered up at her. She dropped her gaze down, snapping out of her day dream. In front of her sat a diamond ring, shimmering in the low lighting. Her mother was squealing helplessly over the table and her dad let out a proud 'huff'.

"I-" She paused.

"Go on, say yes!" Ariel's mother yelled and her dad yelled in agreement; Jose had a stable job and was inheritably rich - of course her parents would want her to jump into this. "She says yes, she does."

"I don't know," She bit her lip nervously. She didn't love him, that was for sure, but she liked him an awful lot. He was 6 years older than she was, but after her parents had met him at a ball four and a half years ago, they pushed the pair into each other and waited for this moment ever since."Yes."

His eyes widened in amazement as he jumped up, wrapping his arms around her waist. He placed his lips against hers softly, tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear before pulling away. She rested her head against his, nervous to the pit of her stomach - she knew she'd regret this.


"Ariel," Sally's hand waved in front of her face awkwardly. "We're here, snap out of it."

She chuckled, slapping Sally's hand away. "I was thinking."

"Well do that some other time," Sally pouted.

They parked the car up in the middle of town and toddled off towards the flashing lights. If there was one thing Ariel loved, it was the fair grounds. She had seen a poster about it last week, and begged the girls to go their first.

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