🌼 02.

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I've been thinking too much,
Help me.

"You should go with the bowtie, it suits you so well." Brendon said while browsing through my accessories drawer.

"You think so? I was thinking about the red one." Getting all glammed up was never my thing, so Brendon always helped me in the fashion department.

"Sure. So, black jeans, a white button-down with the red bowtie and the black blazer." He repeated.

"And red vans. You think it won't look a bit much?" I was skeptical.

"Not at all. Just keep your shirt tucked out and it'll look elegantly casual." He winked. I sighed loudly.

"Is this really a good idea? I mean, what if I embarrass myself? I couldn't bare being the laughingstock again." I expressed worries.

"No, Tyler... listen to me. You're a great dude and you know I love you. We've been friends forever and me and my wife to be keep arguing if you're gonna be her mister of honor or my best man... so please." He said.

"Mister of honor." I chucklingly repeated.

"Yeah, so stop worrying so much. This isn't high school anymore, people change. So have you." He added.

"Yes, I did and yes, you have a point. I'm just nervous." I rubbed my palms together, taking a seat on the edge of my bed. Brendon joined me.

"I know, but you have no reason to be. I'm sure Josh will totally love you." He smiled.

"Bren! Stop that. I don't think he's coming tonight anyways." I said.

"Well you have to put some work into it, in order to make that happen." He laughed.

"Bren! I'm serious!" I slapped his shoulder.

"Yeah yeah, alright. Just be yourself and relax, you're gonna be fine. I've seen your work, if you can do that, you can pull this reunion off as well." He encouraged me and I was thankful, more than I ever showed.

"Yeah, not even remotely similar but okay, thanks Bren." I said to him.

"Anytime dweeb." He winked at me with a grin on his face.


'Welcome! Class of 06'
I read from the banner hanging above the wide glass door, leading to the section reserved for our high school reunion. Taking a deep breath I stepped inside, not knowing what to expect.

"Tyler Joseph!" I heard. I turned around and saw Courtney. Not like I wouldn't recognize her screechy voice anywhere. I smiled awkwardly and waved.

"Hi... Courtney." I said.

"Oh my god, look at you! It's been like forever, you look great!" She complimented me and stepped closer. There was a thin pile of papers in her hand.

"Thank you and likewise. I really like your... uhm, hair. I've heard pastel colors are in this year." I was trying my best to small talk.

"Oh yeah, thanks! I've been wanting to test this pink out, I'm loving it so far." She replied, a wide smile on her face. "Here, this is your sticker." She put a name-tag sticker on the left side, on my blazer pocket.

Butcher With A Smile - A short storyWhere stories live. Discover now