Chapter 4

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Sanskar POV

It was 11:30 in the morning when I felt a little hungry and I remembered that I missed my breakfast bcz I had a meeting early in the morning. I smiled thinking of my promise made to Swara to video call her and eat in front of her.
I thought of calling her and dialled her number. When I didn't received any answer I got worried but then I remembered that she goes for an hour walk in the society garden around 11:00.
I thought to eat something and went to the office canteen. On my way I met Yash n he told me that our foreign clients are coming today instead of tomorrow so I have to recheck the remaining files and complete the presentation. He said that he'll send Syra to my cabin to collect the files in an hour.
Getting more work I lost all my appetite for breakfast and went towards my cabin to complete the task. I was working attentively when I felt a knock on my desk and I remembered Yash telling me that he'll send Syra to collect the files.
I was so busy in my work that I didn't bothered to look up and told her to take the files to Yash and tell him that the presentation will be ready soon.
Even though I knew it, I felt my nostrils feeling Swara's fragrance but than I chucked all my thoughts thinking that Syra must be using the same perfume.
When I didn't sensed any movements of the files I looked up, only to get a beautiful surprise. My Swara, my wife, my life was standing there wearing blue churidar looking extremely gorgeous. I went into the flashback where I difficultly compelled her to wear churidars till her delivery instead of saris. Not to forget blue is my favourite color people....
I was admiring her when suddenly she stomped the lunch box on my desk and rushed out angrily trying to show that she was extremely angry. But why?
Oh you stupid! Which wife on this whole damn earth won't be upset knowing that her husband is interested in someone else other than her. Oh God! How will I tame this Swara? Angry Swara is a bit easy to handle but pregnant angry Swara is far too hard to woo. I hope a kiss will melt some ice.
'Swara come on! It's been 2 freaking hours that you are ordering me to iron all your sarees.. even after knowing that you won't wear them for almost a year now.' Sanskar pleaded glaring the neatly ironed and folded sarees piled up on the bed.
'So what? You asked me to hear your side of story and even after that if I was not satisfied you will do anything I ask you to. Didn't you?' Swara said in a not so interesting tone.
'Yes I did but that didn't meant that you'll tell me to iron the sarees which you won't even wear, and that too so many not even 1...' Sanskar objected pulling out the best puppy face.
'So now you hate doing my works too. Oh! Why won't you, you got a chick in the office no!? I should have listened to Roshni, her husband did the same when she was pregnant....' Sanskar forcefully had to shut by placing a peck on her cheek.

'Shut up! You mad woman, how many times do I have to tell you that you are the only one I ever loved Swara! And why will I act like Roshni's husband?' Sanskar asked in a stern tone. 'Because he also found a new chick in his office, cause Roshni was pregnant and fat.' Swara explained in a cry baby voice.

'But you are not fat Swara, not yet.'
'That means you will leave me when I turn fat because of the pregnancy?' Irritated would be an understatement to describe Sanskar's situation right now.

'Swara, baby listen if you want I will iron all your sarees, wash them, and iron them again. But please don't shed tears. You know I hate when u cry because of me. I am already so ashamed because of the situation we are in. And I cannot even do anything more than earning as much as I can so that I can assure u both a protected future. Don't make me feel more guilty by crying because of me. I am not worth your tears.' Sanskar's head was bowed down in shame and Swara could cleary see the regret in his eyes.

'Sanskar! Look up,... look at me. See I know that the time is hard. But why are we forgetting that even the worst days of our lives only have 24 hours. And dare you say that the situation we are in is because of you. It was not at all your fault, people were wrong to not understand the angel u were. Let people think whatever they want, but I know who, what and how my husband is,and I don't need anyone's approval to know you. You are my husband and that's it. And I need compensation.' Swara explained.
'I promise, I'll compensate for not recognising that it was you and not the receptionist.' Sanskar beamed.
'Dear husband, I have already forgiven you for that. I want compensation for..........'

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