"Thank you" she whispered as she sat back down looking at her hands in complete shock.

I simply nodded and walked out the door without saying another word. As much as it hurt me to destroy a relationship, she didn't deserve this.

After a long day I headed towards the cafe. I sighed as I waited for my coffee to be prepared. The cafe itself was fairly busy but I didn't mind waiting. A sudden hand grabbed my shoulder causing me to turn around, only to be faced with Norman. My mouth became dry as I figured out the right thing to say.

"Why" he said as his eyes became red with tears and his hand tightened on my shoulder. My order was suddenly called and I shoved my shoulder away from him to pick it up.

"Don't fucking leave me like this you dumb bitch" he said trying to reach for me again, earning a couple stares from employees and customers.

"Get the hell away from me" I said before rushing out the door and into the street, making my way home as fast as I could. My heart raced and I felt as if he was following me. Sure enough I heard heavy footsteps behind me.

I continued to walk fast as I found myself in the middle of an empty street. My body tensed as I heard Norman's voice.

"Fucking stop" he said as he forcefully spun me around making me spill the coffee onto the floor.

"She left me, I'm all yours now, isn't that what you fucking wanted?!" He yelled in my face as I began to panic trying to find a way out.

"I'm gonna make you pay for what you did" he said as he began to forcefully kiss me and grope me in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I fought back as I tried pushing him off only causing him to grow angrier by the second. He then ripped the top portion of my white t shirt as he began to kiss my neck making me want to gag. He reeked of alcohol.

"Norman stop!" I pleaded again trying to make him let go of me. He wouldn't budge and instead tried moving me towards a more isolated area as I continued to struggle against his grip. I quickly kneed him before falling onto ground at the sudden impact.

"You bitch" he grunted against the pain. I panted heavily as I tried getting up and making a run for it. Norman's head snapped back up but instead of looking at me, he looked past me into the open street. His eyes filled with fear as he began to shake his head.

"Wha-" he began to say but I immediately took this opportunity and shot up, making a run for it. I turned around to see Norman still standing there shocked and frozen in place. I continued to run not looking back after that.

Once in my apartment I slammed shut and locked all my doors and windows. Grabbing a kitchen knife, I ran into my bedroom and slid under the blankets as I fought back tears trying not to cry. I couldn't believe that side of Norman. I thought he was a kind, gentle soul. But all that was thrown out the window when he left me and the way he left me. Norman was much older than me. He was 36 and me being a stupid 20 year old really believed this man loved me. That he was more mature than other boys my age. But I was wrong. I felt stupid for crying over him all those days. He didn't deserve to know me like that.

My panic was beginning to wear off. I kept telling myself I was gonna be okay, but the moment I heard a creak in my bedroom, I began to panic uncontrollably as I held the knife tightly in my hand as I pulled my knees to my chest. I was still under the blankets when I felt them suddenly be ripped off causing me to yelp. I didn't dare look up until I felt soft hands take the knife out of hands.

"Penny" I said looking up as I jumped onto him. I suddenly began to sob aggressively as held me tightly against him. He began to run my back trying his best to comfort me, something he wasn't accustomed too.

"H- he -tri- tried to" I tried saying as my crying kept getting in the way. At this point I was already hyperventilating.

"I know" Penny's raspy voice echoed through my ears.

"It's fine, it's dealt with" he said as he continued to rub my back. I held tightly onto his neck feeling safer by the second. After a couple minutes my crying died down and all I was left with was swollen eyes and hoarse voice. I unhinged myself from Penny and sat facing him as I wiped the remaining tears off my face.

"Sorry" I said looking down as I played with my hands.

"No" he said as he took my hand into his. I looked up to see his calming blue eyes.

"It's been dealt with" he said as he placed a strand of hair behind my ear. I nodded to let him know I understood but I didn't even want to ask what he meant by that. My eyes felt droopy and he immediately took notice.

"Sleep" he commanded as he pushed me down on the bed.

"I'm scared" I whispered as I stared up at him.

"Please stay" I begged as he looked at me with a blank expression.

"Please, I'll be safe with you I know I will" I said as I reached up to caress his face. His eyes shut softly as my hand softly touched his cheek.

"I'm safe with you" I said as my eyes began to shut sending me into a deep sleep.

"Always" he said before I was out.

Storm Drains (pennywise love fan-fic) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now