Chapter 6: Where Exactly are We Going?

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"Well, Rowdyruff Boys, here we come! Or something..." Blossom said lazily.

"Where should we be going again?" Bubbles asked.

Blossom sighed and said, "I asked professor that earlier, you know, if he can track where the boys are exactly..."


"Ugh, alright! But can't you at least tell us where we should go to find the boys?" Momoko asked the professor.

"Hmph, Poochie can actually sense where they are, but there is no way I'll let him tell you. You girls hurt my feelings by disobeying my requests, you're going to have to find them yourselves," the professor said as he crossed his arms.

End of Flashback!

"Ugh, he's just so childish sometimes," Buttercup groaned.

"Well, that's the professor to you, he's both the parent and the child," Blossom said and the three of them laughed.

Everything was going nicely, they were all flying and hanging about with no care in the world. They missed this. For once, they finally felt like they could enjoy their powers again. But, they forgot the reason they flew out in the first place. They were too busy not caring about stuff, until they felt another glitch. It didn't affect them, though. But there was one particular place that stood out right when the glitch happened, the dead end alleyway. It wasn't just any alley, that was where Buttercup chased the Rowdyruff Boys to and where the boys mooned them. The three of them looked at each other as they remembered the unsatisfying memory. They had no choice but to check the place out, Blossom nodded as a signal to go ahead, and with uncomfortable faces, they flew towards the alley.

"Here goes nothing," Buttercup said and flew.

Once they got above the alleyway, they saw three figures. They seemed familiar, but somehow... different. But it was no doubt them, the Rowdyruff Boys. The three of them landed behind the boys and decided to go for a surprise attack, until they noticed what was wrong.




Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup said respectively once they got near the boys. The boys turned to see the girls, but they noticed that something was off too.




Brick, Boomer, and Butch said respectively. The six were in shock. They looked at each other, then at their counterparts. They were all silently checking each other for what was off, then they spoke.

"You're suddenly taller!" Buttercup yelled pointing at Butch.

"No, you got shorter!" Butch yelled pointing back at her.

"You guys got new clothes!" Bubbles exclaimed with her pigtails flying up.

"You suddenly seem less gross?!" Boomer yelled shocked and confused.

"And you got cute! I mean, you guys were cute before, but now...?!" Blossom said while blushing and pointing at Brick. "I guess the glitch did us another favor."

The girls blushed as they realized what Blossom just said while the boys were confused.

"Ugh, whatever! Enough with the other stuff, let's just take them with us then go!" Buttercup exclaimed as she grabbed Butch's hand, the two other girls did so as well.

The girls flew up to the sky while carrying their counterparts under them by both of their hands.

Brick looked at his brothers, confused. He knows something else was wrong, he feels it at the palm of his hands...

"We're not afraid of cooties?!" Brick yelled as he realized he was holding hands with a girl, a Puff, his counterpart, his arch rival! But, it seems like he doesn't seem to mind at all, except for the part that a slight blush crept up to his cheeks. The three boys were like that as they realized. From that time on, the atmosphere around them became awkward as they flew silently in a flight that seems to take hours.

"Uhhh, I know that it's kind of awkward right now but... Where exactly will you be taking us again?" Boomer asked as he sweat dropped. They knew that this was going to be a longer flight back than the girls initially expected...

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