What the Glass Showed Bessie (Bessie's P.O.V.)

Start from the beginning

People are gathered around mourning the loss of someone. I look closer and realize it's Munchkin land, and there is a house that looks as if it crashed into the ground. It's then I realize it's the funeral of Nessarose or as most know her as Wicked Witch of the East. The area I am looking at shifts and I see two people walking in an area that is secluded, one is tall and dressed head to toe in black carrying an old broom, and the other is short and wearing a magnificent blue gown holding a wand that is nearly as tall as she is. It's Elphaba and Glinda, and is focus harder trying to understand what is going on.

"Elphie?" Glinda says as she passes the woman donned in black. The other woman turns. "Glinda?" They both smile and hurry to embrace each other. "I can't believe you are here." Glinda says to Elphaba vas they break their hug.

"Why is that?" Elphaba asks her with a curious expression.

"I just thought that with the Wizard after you, well, you would, you know not show yourself." Glinda says almost sheepishly.

"Nessa was my sister, and despite our differences I still cared deeply for her, and so it really shouldn't be a surprise to see me here."

"I suppose." Glinda says slowly, and then smiles. "How have you been? I mean it's been so long."

"About twelve years to be exact." Elphaba gives a small smile. "Then who is counting?" She says when she sees Glinda frown. She is startled when Glinda hugs her. "Elphie, I have missed you so much!"

"I missed you as well, my sweet." She awkwardly returns the hug. "I came here not only to pay my respects to Nessa, but also to get her silver shoes."

I squint and notice that Glinda appears to look very pale. I wonder why?

"Are you okay, Glinda?" Elphaba asks looking worried as she notices her friend go pale.

"I- I... El-Elphie, um, your shoes aren't here." Glinda squeaks out, and Elphaba suddenly seems on edge as she looks at Glinda questioningly. "What do you mean they aren't here?"

"Well, you see I sort of... sort of gave them away."

"WHAT!?" Elphaba yells suddenly looking furious. "You had no right to give them away! They are suppose to be mine! They are the last thing I have to remember my sister by! Who did you give them to?"

"I- I gave them to- to D-Dorothy, the child wh-" Glinda takes a step back nervously.

"YOU GAVE THEM TO THE GIRL WHO KILLED HER!!" Elphaba was madder than ever now. "HOW COULD YOU?"She shrieks.

"I was only trying to help!" Glinda protests. Elphaba turns and storms starts to storm away. "Wait! Elphie! Where are you going?"

"We are through Glinda." With that she mounts her broom and takes to the sky, and Glinda just drops to the ground crying.

The glass ball clears up and think about what I saw. "They called off their friendship because of a pair of shoes?" I'm so confused as to why a pair of shoes would upset Elphaba so? The looking glass begins to glow again, and so I turn to face it again, and I can see what appears to be the throne room in the Emerald Palace.

The Wizard is drinking something from a flask and offers it to Glinda who refuses the offer. Madame Morrible comes rushing in. "Is it true? Is it true that the Captain of the Guard has brought her into custody?" She asks the Wizard and Glinda.

"If afraid our new Captain of the Guard had other plans." The Wizard says look up at her.

"What? She has not been captured?" Madame Morrible asks sounding surprised.

"Quite the opposite," the Wizard says sighing, "considering how well she eluded us last time."

"We must smoke her out!" Madame Morrible says tapping her finger on her chin as she thinks.

"But how?" The Wizard asks taking another drink from his flask, and a very upset Glinda seems to snap out of her brooding and replies. "Her sister."

"What? What'd she say?" Madame Morrible asks looking from the Wizard to Glinda and back to the Wizard. Glinda stand up from where she is sitting and looks very determined as she explains what she says. "Use her sister. Spread a rumor. Make her think that her sister is in danger. She will fly to her sister's side and then you will have her."

The Wizard looks impressed and smiles. "Exactly so!"

Glinda nods. "Now if you Ozness will excuse me I have a slight headache. I think I will go lay down." She then quickly leaves the room.

"A rumor won't do. Elphaba's too smart for that." Madame Morrible says., and the Wizard nods in agreement. "Far too smart." He says.

"Perhaps a change in weather!" Madame Morrible says as she begins to conjure a storm. The Wizard and her begin to laugh wickedly, and the looking glass again goes dark.

So Glinda isn't as innocent and good as we all are lead to believe. In fact, if what I saw is true then she is the reason Elphaba's sister died. She betrayed Elphaba, and yet... when Elphaba went to pay her respects to her sister she didn't seem to know Glinda was behind her sister's death. I sit there think over what I have seen, but it must have been a while.

"Bessie!" The voice sounds distant. "Bessie!" Sounds a little closer but still rather distant. "BESSIE!" I snap out of my trance. Crap! They're home! Whipping round I am met with a very angry Elphaba glaring at me from the doorway. "What are you doing in here?" Her eyes dart from me to the looking glass on her desk. Her voice is low and dangerous.

I stand quickly. "E-Elph-Elphaba, I- I'm sorry! I was just cleaning when I- I spotted that. It was glowing!" My words tumble out stuttered and broken.

"Get away from that!" She growls and takes a step into the room.

"El-Elphba, I- I meant no harm. I was just cleaning and it- it started to- to glow! All I did was look at it I swear!" I tell her feeling very very small beneath her glare.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU WERE DOING!" She screams at me as she points to the looking glass. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU COULD HAVE DONE HAD YOU TOUCHED THAT?" I stare unable to speak. "WELL? DO YOU?" She screams.

"B-But I didn't t-touch it! I- I swear!" I shrink back as she begins to glow. I find I can't move, even though everything within me is telling me to run.

"YOU COULD HAVE BROKEN IT, AND RUINED IT! I NEED THAT TO BE WHOLE!" She continues to yell, and curse at me.

Thank Oz for Glinda She comes rushing in. "What is going on here?" She demands as she comes storming in. "I was putting my bags in my room when I heard yelling." She stops short when she sees Elphaba. Glinda quickly looks from Elphaba to me and back. "Well?" She asks again, and all Elphaba does is growl.

"I- I was cleaning when that started to glow, and so I went over and looked at it. I swear I didn't touch it!" I say quickly pointing to the looking glass.

"Bessie, get out of here now. I will have a talk with Elphaba." Glinda says cooly stepping between Elphaba and I. She doesn't have to tell me twice and I literally run out of Elphaba's room closing the door behind me relieved to be out of there. 

Finding Elphaba (Book 2 in Endless Love Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now