Structuring The Prologue

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If you are having trouble structuring the prologue write the prologue as if it is a poem. (I am no professional at poems)

 Time the trial the trial to fail 

The hardest to prove the hardest to beat 

Once you've trained 

once you've fought 

once they think that you're tough enough 

Take the trial the trial of time 

Only time will tell only time will tell who you'll become 

You think you concentrate let them read your mind 

See the demon see it come let it flow through your weakened mind 

You will then have a power a power to control 

only time will tell who you'll become 

Your village your people your family you 

Each village has their power each person has their demon 

Only time will tell who you'll become 

There is a cat a human a dog 

Only one will become real and the others will be gone 

Sit in the cave think of your past 

think of the horrid times and your demon will laugh 

Follow the laugh and the demon you'll find where? 

In the trial of time 

The trial of time the time to fail 

Your real self will surface if time will tell  

This might not be the way to write a poem but who cares, it is about the finished product after all. Once you have done this start pasting together the lines and forming sentences. Add commas when needed.

That is all for this book so I hope that you found this useful or entertaining. Have a good morning/afternoon/day/night

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