Autumn Leaves

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"This love, like the dead leaves
Never never fall"


"How easy would it have been if we had just stayed the way we were, just the two of us..." Yoongi murmured from under the sheets, head resting against Hoseok's bare chest. "What is this mess we're in now?"

Hoseok sighed, readjusting himself and Yoongi on the small gray couch as best as he could, a protective arm around the elder's shoulders.

"Life isn't easy, and you, out of all people, should know that." He moved his other arm to card his fingers through Yoongi's black hair. Yoongi closed his eyes, humming as he enjoyed the touch. "And well, technically it's still just the two of us," Hoseok added with a small laugh, "but honestly though, by now I'd have imagined we would've gone through every 'discovering and trying new things' stage that there were to go through, but alas, here we are."

"Life is full of surprises, you know..." Yoongi mimicked the condescending tone used by Hoseok earlier, and he would've smirked if he didn't feel like clawing at his face and screaming in frustration. Initially the thought of falling for their maknae had never crossed his mind in the months that followed their debut, but as they spent more and more time together he couldn't help but be enthralled by Jungkook's bright, hopeful and hardworking nature, characteristics that, before he realized his feelings for the youngest, had drawn him to Hoseok too.

Hoseok let out a heartless laugh, no resemblance of amusement in it at all. He didn't feel much different from Yoongi.

"So, like I assumed, is this why you've been huddled up in here for almost three days now?"

Yoongi mumbled something under his breath, the sharp truth sounding too familiar and too real to his ears.

Tiredness seeped into him, but not the type that could be fixed with a good night of sleep, instead, the kind that swirled around his bones and dragged him down when he least expected it. He should get up and write another rap, vent his frustrations; nothing better than a heavy heart to inspire sharp lyrics and a cutting beat.

Hoseok, however, had other plans.

The hand that was on Yoongi's hair tightened its grip on the strands, while the other moved to caress the elder's face. His slender fingers hovered over fluttering eyes, moving down to trace the soft curve of Yoongi's nose, press over his plump bottom lip and apply just enough pressure for Yoongi to open his mouth, pink tongue pocking out, licking at the tip of Hoseok's thumb.

Hoseok grinned.

Yoongi's eyes remained closed and he proceeded to full on suck on the dancer's thumb, slowly, swirling his tongue around it and humming softly.

Hoseok shifted on the couch, manhandling Yoongi until the elder was lying on his back so he could hover over him. He pressed his thumb on Yoongi's tongue, feeling the velvet surface sliding around his finger and whistling as more of that wet warmth engulfed him seemed to run up his arm.

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