Going Home

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During the flight, Moon Mist and I played with her bat plushie. She had always been fascinated by the creatures. I can still recall how she would just fill up with excitement at the mention of the small animal. And it was that same reason that I made her a series of plushies. Each plushie resembled our family. On the ride, she had Papa Bat and I had Mama Bat. I faintly remember the scenario we had acted out with them. Something about Mama Bat and Papa Bat saving the day.

'Shouldn't you have been asleep?' some of you might be asking. Well, let me answer with a question of my own. How could we? We had just lost our home to people who couldn't handle someone different living amongst them. We also lost someone important to the very same people. Besides, sleep refused to take over us. Thus, forcing us awake and leaving us bored. "Mama, could you make a plushie of Princess Cadence?" she asked me. Oh the face I made when she asked that. "Why would you want a plushie of Cadence?"

I refused to call her Princess Cadence. She was no princess in my eyes, heart or soul. Cadence was, and is, nothing but a fake. Cadence and Celestia both are fake, they always will be. "I want to make Papa Bat and Mama Bat beat her up." she answered, looking straight into my eyes. I was utterly shocked by her answer. Only a few hours after the event, and her mind is already resorting to violence. "Moon Mist, just because she is cruel, doesn't mean we have to be."

Moon Mist looked at Papa Bat, holding him rather tightly. When she looked back, I had been surprised. Her eyes seemed to have dimmed dramatically at that moment, as if any and all but a single light had died out. It didn't take long to realize that, I was the only light left within her. I was all she had at that moment. "But, she took Papa away from us. And he liked her as our princess."

She was right. Crys was loyal to her from the moment she was given the Crystal Empire. But, loyalty could only get someone so far in this world. That thought had sparked up my hatred towards Cadence more. I took in a deep breath and looked at her. "I'll make you one when we arrive at our new home." I told her. She gave me a small smile before we continued playing.

It was about six in the morning when the carriage descended onto solid ground. It was in the middle of nowhere, an endless field of grass. A few wild flowers spotted the area, but what stuck out the most was an abandoned house. It was covered by a veil of healthy, green vines. With a closer look, graffiti could be seen behind that same veil. It took some research to learn that the house was once a type of base for Night Dreamers in the olden days.

The man opened the doors with an expressionless face. I then noticed an owl resting on his shoulder, wearing some sort of collar with a loop in the front. It hadn't taken long to learn it was meant to hold messages. "We'll have to stay here for a while. The Sun Tyrant has learned of your escape and is sending out search parties."

My heart sunk to my stomach when those words played in my head. Why were they so adamant to rid me and my daughter? We were only two small specs out of millions. What was so special about us? "Do you know why?" I asked, a lump had formed in my throat. He sighed and looked towards where the sun was beginning to rise. "After her majesty returned, the tyrant was taken captive. Queen Luna had her chained down and blindfolded in front of the mountain. She then had all of us Night Dreamers lineup and tell the monster what she had done to us. Many had gladly given her a beating."

When he spoke that last part, I can recall the wind blowing softly against my ear. 'Prancer' I heard it whisper. I hadn't shown it but, I was shocked. The man, who had helped my daughter and I escaped from Day Prancer's...was a Day Prancer. I kept replaying how he said the last sentence. I was able to sense hate and pain within it. Sadly, there was nothing I could do at the time. I didn't know how to fight or use a weapon. Though, I do remember how female Crystal Warriors wore a spear tip in their hair in the olden days.

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