ten; part two

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it's finally winter break and the snow is piling up in long valley. tonight is christmas eve and my parents are throwing a big party for the town. christmas is my favorite holiday by far so i'm taking tonight very seriously. my cousins from new york are coming to jersey for this party too.

i'm sitting in front of my closet thinking about any outfit ideas i could wear. i open my phone and google some outfit ideas that i could use as inspiration. the first image that popped up is a red satin dress that had 'v' cut outs over the boobs and was cut on the side by her left leg . i sat up off the floor and started to search through my closet.

i find a maroon velvet dress with cut outs on my back and stomach with off the shoulder sleeves. it comes down to a little above my knee. i smile in awe at how i've never worn this dress. my dad bought it for me for my sixteenth birthday. let's just say i wasn't the prettiest or fittest girl you met but now this dress looks gorgeous on me.

i pull out my crystal choker that goes higher up on my neck then a usual choker and my black pumps.


i hold the railing going down the stairs being careful not to fall. when i'm all the way down the stairs grayson is standing in the hallway talking to ethan. my heels click on the floor making grayson notice my presence and turn around. his mouth went agape as did ethan's.

"what?" i giggle

"you're so gorgeous" grayson mumbles looking up and down.

"i got to go to the bathroom." ethan says rushing to the bathroom and slamming the door.

i turn red knowing what he was doing in there but turn my attention back to grayson who is still taking in my looks still.

"grayson, yoo hoo. eyes up here" i chuckle at him.

"oh sorry" he nervously laughs

"wanna head to the hall know?" i ask grabbing my little clutch from the banister.

"of course. let's just wait for ethan." he says heading to the bathroom.

"hey eth you almost done jacking off yet?" grayson practically yells.

"grayson shut the fuck up. and yes i'm almost done." ethan whispers through the door.

i laugh a little to loudly and sounded like a dying seal but grayson laughed along to.


the room starts filling with guests and the DJ starts playing a slow song and me and grayson starting dancing to the music.

our bodies swaying side to side and find myself staring at grayson but not his whole face just his eyes. they are so gorgeous. so many emotions behind them. i take notice that he's staring at my lips so i lean in slowly and kiss him passionately and slow.

he tugs on my lip asking for entrance and i accept and his tongue immediately begins to explore my mouth leaving no area untouched. i pull away trying to catch my breath. as i do so i lean my head onto graysons shoulder and close my eyes.

play song

the song ends and Wolves by Selena Gomez comes on i pick my head off his chest and grayson spins me making my ass hit his crotch. i giggle at him and spin back around extending our arms so we are only holding hands and continue dancing. he pulls me close to his chest and kisses my forehead and we stay in the position just swaying side to side to the music.

the song ends and i leave the dance floor with grayson following behind me like a lost puppy holding my hand.

"wanna get out of here? i mean it's not actually christmas yet" he smiles with toothy grin.

"what would we do when we leave?" i ask making my lips forming into a smirk.

"go back to your house and i don't know we'll see what happens when we get there." he says still holding his pearly white smile.

"okay graysons lets just tell ethan so he can get a ride home" i state walking back into the hall room.

"nah don't tell ethan he's a smart boy he'll find a way home." grayson chuckles

"okay okay let's go" i laugh


the car ride home was tense with constant short glimpses of each other. grayson was growing impatient and i knew exactly what he wanted to do at my house and i was ready for it. his car pulls into my driveway and we quickly get out of the car and slam the doors shut. i pull out my keys and unlock the door kicking off my heels that were almost giving me blistered heels.

i turn around to hand my bag up and grayson grabs my waist pulling me towards him and kissing me roughly and demanding. i kiss back willingly and wrap my arms around his neck. his hands wind up on my ass and grip firmly. i squeal and grayson takes the opportunity to put his tongue in my mouth i do the same for him and i jump up into his arms.

grayson carries both of us upstairs opening my bedroom door with his foot and laying me down on the bed.

"do you want to do this?" he asks being at his peak of worries.

"yes grayson i want to do this" i smile back at him.

he smiles in return and kisses me again unclipping my choker with one try and unzipping my dress easily. i start to unbutton his shirt with one hand while kissing him very passionately. i strip off my dress as he did with his shirt.

when my dress is completely off and my body is exposed in only my black lace bra and matching panties, grayson stares in awe at it.

"wow lauren you're truly gorgeous." he says

i blush and look away. he laughs slightly and turns my face back looking at his and kisses me once again.

the night was filled with loud moans and swears but i learned i loves grayson dolan. he was gentle with me until we both found each other's comfortable zone. i never knew what "making love" felt like. it was an amazing feeling and i'm glad it was with grayson.



but ily all and have yourself a merry christmas , happy late Hanukkah [is that how you spell it?] and whatever else's you guys celebrate during the holidays ❤️

-peace out


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