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*Cameron's POV*

Damn it.
Way to screw up your life Cameron.

Nash's face is as pale as a freaking ghost, no, paler than a ghost. His face is so white, there isn't even a reference I can refer it to.

"I'm sorry." I tell him, holding back a few tears. Why am so emotional all the time? I stand up to leave and Nash doesn't stop me this time.

When I get back to my hotel room, Shawn's still asleep. I feel something in my pocket and pull out the pill that I took earlier and never returned. I go to the bathroom, picking up the pill bottle once I'm inside. I hesitate putting the pill back, it is for pain, and I'm in a hell of a lot of pain right now.

I fill up a glass with water and come back to the bathroom. I'm only taking it to get rid of pain, that's it. I say to myself. I place the red capsule on the back of my tongue and wash it down. They don't work right away so there's no reason I should've felt all better immediately. Which I didn't, but it would've been nice.

"Cameron? You in here?" Shawn calls from the other room.

"Yeah." I say, emerging into the room.

"Aaron just texted saying everyone needs to be in the dining hall right now." He says, getting out of bed. "Since no one came last time, this meeting is mandatory." Shawn quickly changes his shirt before we head to the elevators. We catch up with Matt, Carter, and Hayes on the way.

"Hey guys." Matt says, greeting us.

"Hey bro." Shawn high fives him as we all pile into the elevator. On the way down, Matt, Carter, and Shawn are having their own conversation while Hayes shuffles over to where I stand in the corner.

"Everything okay?" He whisper asks.

"Yeah, all good here." I whisper back. Eventually I will tell Hayes what happened, but now isn't the time. For now I decide to cover up and build myself a wall.

"So where is the dining hall exactly?" Carter asks when we step off of the elevator.

"I know!" Matt waves his arm aggressively.

"Of course you do Matt." Hayes jokes as we follow Matt into the dining hall.

"Why do we have to have do many meetings?" Carter complains when we get there.

"We've only had one, and you didn't even go to it." Shawn says lightly.

"Yeah, but why do we need to have any at all?"

"Boys!" Our manager stops Shawn from answering. "Good your here. Now usually we would just have all of you walk around and dance and sing like idiots," He says, talking to everyone in the room. "But this time will be different."

He grabs a clipboard off of the table behind him and quickly looks over it. "You will each be assigned a partner and you will stay with that partner for the entire experience, okay?" Everyone nods their head yes. "Good, now to start us off, Espinosa and Reynolds you two are-"

"Hell yeah!" Carter screams, cutting our manager off and high-fiving Matt. They go and sit down at a table a few feet away from where Shawn, Hayes, and I are standing.

"I hope your my buddy." I half lie to Hayes. I would rather be with Nash but there's no way he will allow that.

"Wish on it with me." Hayes says and I smile. I'm not being a pedophile and hitting on younger boys if you are thinking that with your disgusting mind, but Hayes is nice and my friend so why wouldn't I want to be buddies with one of my friends?

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