24th August 2019 (15 years)

5 1 0

To, you know already

I'm sorry for my last letters I don't know what happened It was like I was a whole different person but I'm back to the good old Mat. (sry).

Senior School has taken over my life I haven't touched my Xbox OR my Playstation for weeks and my book is still on the same page since last month I don't think I can handle this anymore!! The past 3 years have sucked big time. now that you know.. Dads moved on, I only see him on weekends which mom keeps saying it is good to learn about separation and becoming an independent person BLAH BLAH BLAH ARGH. She's so annoying!!!

I'm thinking about leaving school next year cause it sucks idk what I'll do yet but hopefully, something epic that has to do with guns and other cool weapons maybe I should become a spy for the CIA that could be cool. I'm starting to rant meaning I'm tired I should probably go to bed,

Good night till next year

Mathew Rodriguez

To Me Which is YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ