Mia's plastic-looking smile faltered slightly along with the bright gold color in her eyes. It took a few more seconds than it did the last time for them to readjust to their usual gold state. When they did, her smile was again plastered on her face like it had never left.

Without so much as a glance, knowing he'd be safe in there, Mia turned on her heels and walked out of the room. She shut the door tightly closed and waved her hand over the round doorknob, instantly locking it with her magic.

Her feet padded against the wooden floor and she turned many corners and went down many stairs, before she reached her destination, a dark, musty room that had too many cobwebs to count.

Her master's cloaked back met her when she entered the threshold. He was flipping through pages of an old book that looked like it would fall apart if you weren't careful.

"Is it done?" he asked in his deep voice.

Mia smiled. "Yes, Master. The village has been destroyed as you requested. The Red Skins along with the Lost Boys should be here shortly if everything goes as planned."

"Good," Master replied, still not facing her. He flipped to a page and paused, trailing his white finger down until he reached a certain paragraph at the bottom. "Your job will be to make sure there are no survivors after tomorrow, understood?"

Mia's world went from clear to blurry and back again. She shook her head, trying to clear her fogged memory and thoughts. "No survivors?" she asked in a strange-sounding voice to her ears. "What about...?" She trailed off.

"Pan?" he finished with a spat. He always knew what she would say before she said it. "What about him?"

"Nothing, Master," Mia answered quickly, her world going back to its usual blurriness. "I apologize for upsetting you and beg for your upmost forgiveness."

"Apology accepted, Princess." He swiftly shut the book and turned to face her, his face hidden by the dark shadow of his hood. "It's not your fault your heart was made for loving multiple people, but that can lead to many problems. I can easily manipulate that though, as soon as this war is over. I've already allowed you to spare that boy. I can't have anymore set backs."

"Of course," said she as she began digging her nails into her palms unknowingly to the master. Mia did not react to the pain, not even when they started bleeding. In fact, she savored it, her only anchor as she slowly used it to come out of the fog that relentlessly tried to pull her back. "Anymore requests, Master?"

"That is all," he said and flicked his wrist before he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. The book disappeared with him.

Although he was as quiet as a mouse and sneaky like a fox, Mia had no issue in sensing the man before he entered the room. The hum of his familiar energy could be felt from a mile away.

"Hello, Captain," Mia said, still not turning to face the said man.

Hook sauntered into the room and walked up to Mia until his breath could be felt on her exposed shoulder.

"Hello, Mia," he whispered diabolically but had no affect on her. "Your little boyfriend wasn't hard to capture, you know. In fact, I found him in the middle of the Neverwoods all by himself looking for you," Hook hissed and came around until their eyes met.

"I already knew that piece of information," Mia drawled and clicked her tongue. The master had forbidden using magic on his employees. But if he hadn't, she would have had no problem setting his shoes on fire and watching him dance.

Her obvious lack of interest infuriated the captain. "I will personally make sure everyone you've ever cared about will be torn limb from limb. And after this war is over, you realize you'll be dead like all the rest of them, right?"

Mia squinted her eyes but remained silent. We'll see about that, she thought, digging her nails deeper and deeper into her flesh.

Hook growled when he didn't get the response he'd wanted and stomped out of the room like an upset child, slamming the door shut behind him. Ever since the master 'remade' her, Hook had been doing his best to get her upset or angry but Mia would not let him see success.

She swiftly made her way quickly back to Thomas's room and shut the door quietly behind her before sitting on the floor at his dirty, boot covered feet. He was fast asleep, sort snores leaving his parted lips, and Mia watched him for what felt like minutes to her but was really hours for a mortal.

Her gold eyes flickered, her world went uncannily clear, until they went back to their golden color and her world was blurry again like wool had been thrown over her eyes.

She examined her hands and stared at the red, angry and bleeding half moons she'd indented in her palms from her fingernails, confused why she'd done such a thing. Mia sighed annoyedly and closed her eyes as her head went light and she felt the world spin around her. She buried her face into her injured palms, not caring about the sting.

This isn't you... a man's voice whispered over and over again, driving her near towards insanity. It sounded as if he was whispering in her ear, even felt his breath on her neck, but no one was there. Not even the wind. You're not who you think you are. Think. Remember.

"Stop it!" she screeched and clawed at her ears and temples, her golden eyes wide and crazed like an animal.

The voice stopped instantly like it could sense her distress. It wasn't long after that before the world returned to its strange blurriness, the feeling the odd sense of numbness that warmed her system returned, and gold eyes lifted upwards and stared blankly at Thomas's sleeping form. That was the fifth time that had happened in just the past hour.

She sighed and composed herself, arching her back so she sat straight. Her eyes closed in unison and she meditated on the feeling of circulation of magic throughout the island, sensing the each of the hundreds of Lost Boys and Red Skins that were currently marching their way.

During her scan of Neverland, Mia hadn't even noticed the single, stray tear that made its way slowly down her cheek.


||AN|| Almost there...

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