23rd August 2014 (10 years old)

17 1 0

Dear Diary-- No wait i have a better opening,,,

To, Awesomer, cooler and crazier future me, Mathew Rodriguez

I can't believe I didn't know till today that you can send letters to the future! You probably have hovering cars and a permanent tattoo that doesn't wash off when you get in the shower. Do you have a robot dog yet? Mum thought it would be a good idea to every year write a letter to my future self, I can't wait for next year hopefully it fly's past then I can write another letter. Mum also says that our sister will be born before next letter, I guess she might be cool but I am scared I will get girl cooties. YUCK! Yesterday I was thinking about what her name could be, Zayllee Rodriguez is top on my list but I don't think mum likes it. I guess she will just have to get used to it because Mat's decision is always the best.

Can't wait to get this,

From the most amazingest kid ever Mathew Rodriguez 

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