"It's time we put an end to you, turtles." Fishface maneuvered his blade.

"Once and for all." Tiger Claw readied his blasters.

"You'll have to catch us first!" Raphael called.

Mikey threw a smoke bomb, "Adios!" the smoke filled the room allowing the turtles to make their escape.

Shredder declared, "After them!"

Outside the turtles were already on the movie jumping from rooftop to rooftop with Shredder and his forces in hot pursuit.

"Faster, guys, they're gaining!" Donnie cried.

They picked up the pace before stopping on top of a roof, while their enemies arrived and surrounded them.

"Turtle freaks have nowhere to go now." Rocksteady laughed.

"Let's finish them here and now." Bebop said.

"Sounds like a plan." Adagio agreed.

"Tonight I will make your end swift and painful." Shredder promised, as he readied his bladed gauntlets.

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Came Rainbow Dash's voice.

"What?!" Shredder called, as the Foot clan looked around and saw Splinter, April, Casey, the Rainbooms, and the Mutanimals standing up on another rooftop by a water tower.

"The Rainbooms!" Sonata gasped.

"And the rat!" Shredder squinted his eyes.

"Tonight you fight all of us!" Splinter declared.

"And we will stop you!" Twilight added, as she gripped her weapon.

"All right, gang. Let's get 'em!" Slash declared.

And so the turtles allies jumped to the rooftop they were on, as Shredder bellowed, "Attack!"

So both sides went into battle with the Rainbooms taking on the Dazzlings, April, Casey, Rockwell, Mondo, Pete, and Muckman taking on the Foot Bots, Slash, Leatherhead, and the turtles fighting the mutants and Karai, while Splinter was going at it with Shredder.

Mondo skateboarded around the Foot Bots who're trying to attack him, but ended up attacking themselves, "Yeah, that's it! Follow the boarding lizard, dudes!" he laughed.

Rockwell was using his psychic waves to knock some of the Foot Bots away, "Stay focused, Mondo. Remember what's at stake!"

"Yeah. But it's nice to have a good time when fighting," Casey wielded his hockey stick, "Goongala!"

The Rainbooms were facing the Dazzlings, as Twilight spoke up, "You have something that doesn't belong to you three."

"The Equestrian Magic is ours, and we will do whatever we please with it!" Adagio answered.

"Let's go!" Sunset called, as the girls went into battle with the sirens.

Even with the numbers against the trio of girls, they still proved to be more than a match. Aria spoke up, "Adagio, let's just power up and be done with them."

"My thoughts exactly, Aria," Adagio agreed, "Sing!" the sirens vocalized, while Sonata still looked unsure as she vocalized. They gained their ponytails and fin wings before flying above and diving down like hawks to their prey.

"Looks out!" Applejack called, as they started running around to avoid the sirens strikes like sitting ducks.

"We need to pony up too!" Pinkie declared.

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