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The furthest our young hero had ever travelled from home, was to visit his cousins in another village. His knowledge of other lands had been solely by the tales spun by the traders of silk and spices on their journeys far away. Snow was one of the objects he could never picture, till today. Khalid slid his hand through the powdery substance, and shivered as the ice thawed on the warmth of his hand. He was on the outside of a large circular alcove of sorts, surrounded by a great number of leafless trees- kinds that the boy hand never seen before. Try though he did, with all his might to enter, he could not go beyond the shade. Irritation gnawed through his mind, stinging at his heart, but he leant against the giant oak and watched as the music grew louder.

'She has wings!' was Khalid's first thought as the first of the creatures glided into the alcove. Pale as the snow he was treading on, with limbs longer than humanly possible, and hair like a fountain of gold, the fairy danced her way into the center, where four, white spikes of ice stood. She lifted her arms, causing the long, sleeves of her gown to fall to her elbows. As if on cue, the others poured in, dancing as she did, their bodies swaying hypnotically to the sound of their collective voices. Khalid recognized the song- it was the one he heard every year on this day, when he would see the creatures beckon towards them, tempting him to join them at their recreation. Even now, the voices oozed into his ears like the sweetest syrup of date palm- rich and full- making him want to crawl towards them, but still he could move no further than where he first arrived. 

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