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''Wait!'' Khalid interjected quickly, his hand rummaging in his pocket. ''I am sorry, I didn't know of you. Here,'' he said, handing her two of his fresh rolls of bread. ''It's not much, but it is all I can give you.''

The woman stared at him for the longest time, before accepting his offering. Khalid noticed that her hands looked surprisingly young as she snatched her prize. He smiled at her apologetically. In response, his companion pinched a piece of white silk before her and tipped it off, allowing it to slide away from the glass ball underneath. Khalid's eyes widened in wonder, and he scrambled closer to it, while the inside of the sphere lit up like a dense, blue flame. It grew brighter and brighter till it almost hurt his eyes, but he could not look away. 'Does it make sense that it is so bright, that you see darkness?' Khalid wondered, just as the intensity drew him to the edge, and into the magic. 

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