"How on earth am I gonna tell Blaine?" I then thought out loud.

"Does he even remember this place?" Sebastian asks.

"He does, he says that Wes lives here" I chuckle a little because although Wes doesn't live here, Blaine's way of thinking it is funny.

"Ok" we have a few minutes in the car until we go and find Wes and all the other guys.

"Are you guys ok?" I ask them.

"Yeah, but we just found out that the new student that arrived yesterday has died" Wes sniffles.

"He told us he knew how to get out of a burning building, we were now told he didn't make it time" David speaks up.

"Funnily enough, we were going to do a fire drill today"

"Wow, bit late for that one then"

"We are saddened to hear the loss of a Dalton boy, a new member to a family, a new brother to the brothers, for those of you who don't know, his name was Alex Hunter, he was a genuine kid, he loved his people and he loved to take care of his people and now may he shall rest in piece" someone speaks over the crowd of people. We all do a couple minutes of silence for him while the Academy was gone in front of us. We watched on as the fire slowly burns out and the firefighters stop their water as they watched with us. And now there's nothing left. It's all gone.

"I'll collect Blaine in the morning, do you guys need a ride back anywhere or a place at ours?" Sebastian suggests.

"Well, Nick and Jeff are coming back with me but I think Wes and Trent may need a couple of nights somewhere" David explains.

"Of course you guys can come back with us" I say. We make sure that they were all alright before we get into cars and head home. As soon as we got home, we went straight to bed, it was about 6:30am and dad and Carole had already left for work. The next time I woke up was at 11:12am. I decide to shower up and call Santana to say that I'll collect Blaine after lunch but she said she'll just meet me at the high school with him, which I really appreciated because I told her everything that happened last night. We soon get ready and head to the high school, we even invited Wes and Trent. 

"Daddy! Papa!" Blaine cheers as we walk in the room.

"Hey buddy" Sebastian coos as I pick him up and hug him.

"You look very cute today, bud" he wore a long sleeve layered vest that was grey and white with a grey pocket, a pair of grey jeans, grey and white stripe socks and then some plain dark grey velcro shoes.

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