Bonded By Fate- Prologue

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Prologue to my new story Bonded By Fate

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 I've gotten accustomed to the new home that I'm in. I got adopted once again, this time by a business women that seemed rather nice. After being with her for sometime she started treating me rough I'm guessing it was because her job wasn't going well. A few months after she got fired from her job and she started drinking, she was an abusive drunk, the smallest sounds would annoy her and she'd take out all her anger out on me, one time it got out of hand and I was sent to the hospital. And there's were it all began.

"Eve why are you here this time?" said a petite nurse with bleach blond hair, and brown eyes. She had high cheek bones and tanned skin.

I answered her in a flat tone "Abusive adoptive mom, got mad and started battering me, hence the reason I'm here."

The petite blond nurse looked at me with a pitied expression. She told me "Go see the Doctor." I got up slowly, still in pain from being battered. I slowly reach the Doctors office, when I bump into a tall, handsome young man. He had these green eyes, and I couldn't keep looking because he pasted by me saying in an irritated voice " I'm in a hur..." He was now facing me and saw how beat up I was. He had a pitied expression like everyone else.

He started to apologize, when the Doctor cut in "Eve was it you new mom again?" I answered the Doctor in a dull tone "It was." The Doctor spoke again "Lucas you can leave now, I can take care of here myself." So his name was Lucas, it matched him. " Please Doc., as an apology to her for being rude." The Doctor hesitated at first but then agreed. Lucas got some alcohol and cotton balls. He started to put the alcohol-soaked cotton balls on the deep wound, located on my left forearm. The Doctor said I wouldn't need stitches but, it'll scar.

I left the hospital to see my new mom waiting for me. She tried to show concern, but I knew as soon as we were alone she would hurt me again. We drove home quitely but as soon as we got home she started grabbing my hair and pulling me into the house. She started punching me in the face, but I was numb towards it. She finally stopped, only to grab a vodka bottle and hit me across the head with it, and with that everything went dark.

When I woke up again the first thing I saw was Lucas asking me if I could see, I nodded to the question, my mouth being to dry to speak. I dosed off for a while. As I awakened, I noticed it was night time. The petite blond nurse came into the room, she smiled warmly. I whispered to her "What happened to that women?" The nurse ignored my question, or was it that she didn't hear? Lucas and the Doctor walked into the room.

The Doctor spoke first "Eve your mom has been arrested for battering you." I just stared at the Doctor. Lucas spoke in a deep, mesmerizing voice that I recently noticed "I went and adopted you as my little sister, is that okay with you Eve?" I didn't care anymore, I just nodded my head. Lucas filled out the paper work in the reception, and then escorted me to his Red Viper.

Everything after that was a blur. Along the way Lucas was trying to make conversation, or he trying to get to know me. He asked "How many abusive gaurdians have you had? What happened to your birth parents?" I stayed in silence, he respected that. A few minutes later I decided to answered "I've had six guardian all my life. All of which were abusive. They only adopted me for the money. And as for my birth parents I don't know." There was an awkward silence after I answered. Lucas then said "We're here." He parked the car in front of a large apartment building, it looked expensive. The apartment building was modern and had an Italian look to it.

As we stepped out the car, Lucas stopped me to explain "I have to roommates. They're both good people, is it okay with you?" I was tried so I nodded and said "It's fine with me."

We reached the seventh floor, which he told me he lived in. We entered the room to see two very beautiful young men. One of them was about my height or a tad taller . He had short brown hair, it looked nice on him. He had dark blue eyes, that reminded me of the sea at night. He had a child-like face, and a nice body build-up. But the other one was gorgeous. He had these amazing purple eyes, they were hypnotizing. He had silky black hair that reached the end of his neck. He had an amazingly built body, and he was tall (I'd say about 6'0).

Lucas spoke "Eve the short-childish looking one is Axel, and the other guy is Seth. If they bother you don't hesitate to tell me." I smiled and said "Where's the shower and my room?" Lucas spoke to me in a happy tone "Your room is the spare one over there, and the shower is through those doors." I walked into the shower to relax in the warm water.

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