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Class has begun and so far they are decently difficult. I'm a little stressed from them, but I am trying to have a positive outlook on my situation. I have been spending a lot of time reading and taking notes out of class. Trying to be proactive.

I don't know if you saw my last post, but I mentioned that Sean and his friends are in my dorm this year. For the past couple days, I managed to evade him. Although the same could not be said about his friends. I shudder thinking about what I saw two days ago. 

Just when I had the singular thought that Sean was finally out of my life and I could move on from him, despite him living in the same apartment complex, he appeared in front of my eyes once again. The cruel games this universe played on me...

What had happened was that a friend and I had decided to go outside to refill our bottles of water, as we usually did every so often. When we had opened the door, Sean and his group of suitemates had passed the corner of our apartment. He hadn't notice us then, but we were close behind him. He was walking close behind his group, but I can only assume that when he had noticed my presence, his pace slowed. He had noticeably turned around to take a look at who was behind him. We were several feet away from him, so he had gotten a clear view of me and my friend. I continued my conversation with my friend about the class I had earlier and tried my best to ignore his presence before me. My friend had asked which one was Sean, and I confirmed her suspicions, as he was the one who turned around. She scoffed, noting that he was not "cute".

So, I continued my speech about the class, as his group walked further away from us. Their group was still walking in the same direction as us, so I could visibly see the distance between Sean and the rest of his friends. He was the last in the group and was several steps behind them, even though, he was, and usually is, right next the rest of his group. Seeing how slow he was walking only made me assume he was  trying to listen to my conversation.

In the end, we turned to refill our bottles and then went in the opposite direction. 

They had passed a couple friends I met this year, and I had the urge to say "Hi" to them just to see Sean's reaction, but these friends were new and being awkward as I was, I opted out of saying anything and focused on just getting my water.

Nothing else happened that day, but seeing him again that day has made me remember my strange feelings towards Sean. He's not a bad guy, I'm sure, but I have this strange feeling of disgust whenever I think of him or see him. It's quite complicated. I just hope that I have someone else to think about this year. It's time to move on from him.


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